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Y/N'S P.O.V.

After yesterday's big haul you decided to take the day off and instead ride over to your husband's casino. You hum a happy tune as you cross the floor on your way to see him. However, just a little ways down the hall you hear shouting coming from his office. You approach the office door quietly, a bit worried that something is wrong and hoping nothing except that your husband is okay.

"What the hell?! You're fucking broke?!" Kisaki's typically quiet voice booms from the other side. "What are you gonna do now, plead to your wife for more money?"

Your mouth drops, completely caught off guard by Kisaki's words. Truth be told, you'd give your husband anything he needed, but you're worried for his own well-being since he's not doing so well.

You can't believe you didn't know anything about this. Why didn't he tell you?

"I can't keep relying on Y/N to finance the casino and Otsuda. I don't want to use my wife like that," Hanma replies calmly. "I'll find another way."

"Well then what do you expect us to do? The casino was the whole breadbasket of getting Otsuda started in the first place!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Hanma scoffs. "You're the fucking ideas guy, not me!"

Without waiting for the idiotic arguing to continue, you instead barge through the door and make your presence known.

"Well obviously let's not be stupid about this. Shuji, I'll give you anything you need to be stable, and Kisaki," you shiver out of pure annoyance rather than fear, "I'll give you whatever you want to stop complaining like a toddler and shut the hell up."

After witnessing the blond rolling his eyes, you walk past him to your husband and find a seat in his lap. "If you feel so bad about taking money from me," you hum as you stroke his cheek with the backside of your hand, "you could always earn it."

"What are you suggesting, my love?"

"Hmm," you feign thinking as darkness hides the gleam in your eyes, "I could always use a handsome man like you as a partner in more than just marriage."

As a smirk rises across Hanma's lips, Kisaki groans in utter disgust. "If the two of you have this whole thing sorted out, I'm leaving. I've got other problems like running my club to worry about."

With that, he leaves and Hanma's once happy expression sinks into a small frown. "So what was it you had in mind that I could help you with>"

You unlock your phone and open your photos to show him an image of an older-looking man with a large nose and a mustache. "This here is Mr. Nakano," you hum happily.

"The hell do you see in him?" Hanma teases.

With a smile, you nudge him playfully in the arm. "His money," you reply. "Apparently, Nakano is a lover of rare jewelry and will pay almost any price to get his hands on them. And some of these jewels I may or may not have gotten my hands on... not that I'm actually going to hand over anything real to him, but I do have a fair amount of decently real look fakes that I could profit off of."

"And the job?" Hanma wonders with excitement nearly radiating off of his body.

"Get him here," you smile sweetly. "I want you to bring him to me."


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After Y/N told me Nakano's known schedule, I decide to wait for him outside the coffee shop he's known to walk to every morning at seven. While I sit down at an outside table and enjoy a cup of coffee, I look down at my phone and see that Y/N's given me the okay: Nakano's just about here.

When I stand up to throw out my empty coffee cup, I 'accidentally' bump right into Nakano. As I apologize profusely to the old man and throw my hand up onto his shoulder, my eyes land on an expensive looking, diamond-shaped brooch on his jacket.

"Good thing I didn't ruin your nice pin," I smirk just before he pushes me away from him.

"Keep your greasy hands off of that!" he barks. "It's quite rare, not something I could just purchase again whenever I feel like it! Not that a lowlife like you would understand."

Now, I'm not sure whether this ginormous piece of garbage meant for me to hear that over his large ego or not, but once again I kindly apologize and correct his misconception.

"My wife and I collect rare gems and pieces of jewelry just like that one, which is how I recognized it," I hum proudly, ignoring the skeptical look on his face. "My wife's got a special gift for finding rare pieces like blue moon gems... Even got her pretty little hands on that Hudson Jannet necklace that's been on the news as of late."

Nakano's eyes light up as he hears that, but once again they quickly darken showing that this man is a true skeptic. "Who the hell are you working for! I'm not going to buy some fake jewelry from you! Neither would I ever purchase stolen goods!"

I scoff as I take a step back, he's getting way too close to me and by now I'm in his spitting range.

"Sir, I work with my wife at the Violet Casino just a few streets over. I assure you that we're nothing but legitimate business people and I'd rather not hear you accuse us of-"

"Your business card," he rudely interrupts right after scanning the streets quickly for any onlookers. Then, when I do give it to him, he rips it right from my hand.

"Don't get your hope up," he barks once more before waving my card in my face, "but I will be looking into your names to see if this is all bullshit!"

When he walks into the coffee shop, a grin mindlessly crosses my lips. That dude is a fucking asshole and he's gonna get what's coming to him. My wife's got a pretty flawless plan. That woman's able to get her hands on just about anything when it comes to jewelry.

 That woman's able to get her hands on just about anything when it comes to jewelry

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now