twenty one

342 20 5


On the morning of the wedding, you put on the new dress you had bought. You step towards your husband and spin around, showing off your appearance.

"How do I look?" you smile happily.

"Beautiful as always," he grins.

"Good," you giggle, "Thank you." You then remember the diamond-shaped vial he ha bought you a week ago and pull it from its hiding spot on the table. "I wouldn't want to go without this," you say as you pick it up and tie it around your neck.

Hanma nods and pulls out his from under his shirt. "I've got mine."

With a smile and a kiss, you take him by his hand and walk backwards towards the bed. You then crawl towards the center and sit up perfectly straight on your knees.

"We've got a bit of time before we have to leave," you tell him with a bat of your eyes. Then, as quick as you can blink, he pulls his jacket off.

"It's too early in the evening to be this damn needy, love. What am I going to do with you?" he sighs, rolling his sleeves up his arms.

He then places his hands down on the mattress in front of you and gives you a lopsided smirk. You can tell that he's testing you, seeing what move you'll make first- and you, not knowing what sort of a mood he's in, fall right into his trap. You reach for him with your hand, but the second that you do, he smacks you across the cheek leaving a sting behind.

"You jerk," you grumble. "Play fair."

"Me?" he smirks, quite pleased with your reaction. "You be a good girl and do as I say."

Your eyes widen at his lack of sympathy.

"Don't be upset, I'm giving you what you want. If you'd like, I can stop."

He then looks you up and down, teasing you without even needing to touch your body. Then, when he's done having his fun, he pulls off his neck and grabs your hands to tie your wrists together.

"So pretty tied up," he comments quietly, as though he's talking to himself.

You lay down against the bed and spread your legs, showing your panties to him beneath your dress with absolutely no shame. He grabs onto the backside of your thighs and pushes your legs up, giving himself even more of a show. How selfish?

He then leans down between your legs and lightly trails the tip of his nose against your clothed pussy, only pulling away when he hears you moan slightly to get a good look at how your squirm beneath him.

"I remember when we first got married," he sighs dreamily. "How you let me tie you up and tear that pretty dress right off..."

You wrap your legs around Hanma's neck and pull him closer to you. "That was an all nighter when we had all the time in the world. Unfortunately, baby, we need to make this quick."

He grumbles something under his breath, but eventually gives in and pulls your panties down your legs. Once they're discarded on the floor, he frees himself of his belt and pants before kneeling over you. Then, grabbing a pillow from the side, he picks you up by your legs and slides it under you to better position himself.

You grab onto his shirt with your tied wrists to stabilize yourself as he pushes in, filling you up and stretching you out. A moan tears from your lips as you're forced apart. But a sigh soon takes its place as his lips graze over your neck and down your shoulders, careful to leave only a few marks- not enough to litter you too much- that roll your eyes into the back of your head.

His long, smooth pushes and pulls within you are so excruciatingly slow that you can feel every last inch of movement. And he continues this annoying pace until your grip on his shirt tightens and you arch your back, just about to reach your high. However, like the huge asshole that he is, he rips it away from you as he spins you onto your back and lands two rough smacks onto your ass.

"Good girl, keep going. I'll tell you when," he whispers as harsh snaps of his hips jolt against your backside.

He reaches his hand into your hair, pulling you up until you're forced to search for balance on your tied hands. You let out a whine and shut your eyes, trying not to finish without him allowing you to. So, biting your lip, you hold in the scream that threatens to tear from your throat.

"Now, love, you can come," he whispers, finally, after probably realizing you can't take much longer. And when he does, he lets go of your hair. As you fall against the bed, you scream into the sheets while your orgasm wrecks your body, leaving you shivering as you come down from your high.

Hanma pulls out gently and undoes your wrists. You're then slowly turned around and kissed tenderly.

"I love you, Shuji," you smile half-exhaustedly.

"I love you, too, honey, with all that I have."

He then reaches his arm out to you and you take it. As you stand, you kiss him and intertwine your hand with his.

"Ready to go?" he asks as you lean up against him from wobbling legs.

"Mhm. Wanna give me a ride down the stairs?" you smile back.

With a sigh and a poor attempt at hiding his smile, he lifts you up like the bride you once were and exits the room- forgetting the panties you had left behind.

With a sigh and a poor attempt at hiding his smile, he lifts you up like the bride you once were and exits the room- forgetting the panties you had left behind

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now