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Once you finally escape from the meeting room with the Haitani brothers, you run down the hallway on your toes, trying to stay as quiet as possible while you search through each door along your way. You stop once you arrive at a locked room. This has to be it, you tell yourself.

You quickly pick the lock with a pen you had previously stolen on your way out of the room. Your heart races once the door opens and the other side is revealed. Your eyes widen in awe as what's revealed is none other than your average utility closet.

"Are you fucking serious?!" you grumble to yourself as you shut the door angrily. Then as you turn around to keep searching, your entire body jumps backwards against the door. Much to your surprise, Ran has followed you and is now standing right in your personal space, practically breathing right on top of you as you sink down against the door.

"Uh, hey," you chuckle awkwardly. However, Ran does not want to hear it as he instead silently grabs you by the ear and pulls you back towards the meeting room.

"Ow, ow, ow!" you shriek as you claw on his arm. "God, I was just trying to find the bathroom, it's not like you gave me any directions!"

"Like hell you were," he grumbles.

"Seriously, this hurts, Ran! Let go of me!" you continue to argue as you punch him in the side. However, he doesn't even feel the impact of your weak punch as you're being pulled along by your poor ear.

On the positive side, however, it does lead you to an idea. You subtly reach into his pocket, quickly pulling out his wallet and sliding it into the waistband of your bathing suit being covered by your clothes over top. Thankfully, he doesn't notice.

Back in the meeting room, he bursts open the door and throws you right back into the seat beside your husband. Once you sit, he looks at you hopefully. But it's not until the two brothers begin to shout at him that you slip him the wallet, dropping it down to your foot and sliding it underneath his.

"Alright, well, last chance, boys," Hanma says as he clears his throat to interrupt their yelling. "How about a truce instead of an alliance. We'll just leave with the things in our possession and our boat and leave the two of you to enjoy your day watching others sail while you sit and work on your money laundering or whatever the hell it is you do in this sketchy ass room. Besides, I'm not extremely pleased with the way you just handled my wife!"

The two brothers hesitantly pass each other a look, and Ran eventually sighs. "As long as you get your stupid-ass boat off our property, I don't care. Just leave."

"Alright then," Hanma agrees, standing up from the chair with a stretch as he quickly throws the wallet into his pocket. "Come along, Y/N, we've bothered them enough."

"Yeah, and my ear fucking stings," you pout as you lace your fingers within his.

"Ah, don't worry about that," he hums as he attempts to hide his smile while the two of you walk out peacefully. "You'll feel better in no time."

Back on the boat, the two of you wave goodbye to the Haitani brothers who just stare back sternly, waiting for you to get off their port. And then, once you do and the boat sails away, you head back to your spot on the top floor. Once more, Hanma passes you a fresh glass from the champagne bottle.

"Cheers!" you smile happily, glad that you were able to pull off that last practice round so well.

"It's all thanks to you, love," Hanma says as he places a soft kiss upon your lips.

"Well, not without your plan," you smile back, before allowing it to fade into a slight pout. "But did you really have to say it was morning sickness?!"

"You were the one who said you were nauseous!" he gasps back teasingly.

"And you could have said it was from the boat! Ugh," you complain, "Whatever."

Your husband laughs at the light pout on your face before looking at you more seriously. "I'm sorry, love. Are you feeling alright? You're not really sick, are you?"

"Of course not," you sigh, "I would have puked by now. Not that being dragged by the ear helped any."

You then sit down, finding a spot on one of the lounge chairs. Your eyes shift to the sky, watching how the clouds move in the darkening sky. Hanma turns on some quiet music through the boat's surround system before taking his spot in the chair beside you, putting up his feet and crossing his legs at his ankles. He swirls his champagne around in its glass around as a faint smile graces his lips.

"You know, I'm quite glad I lost that day," he tells you with a satisfied hum. "It was a small sacrifice totally worth the big rewards in return."

"Yeah, well, you could have informed me first about it," you smile. "God, you're lucky you have me, Shuji."

"Hm, I think you're right," he agrees as he reaches his hand to your cheek and gently turns your face towards his. "I swear I won't keep a secret like that from you again. What would I do without you?"

"I've got no idea," you giggle. "I love you."

"I love you, too, my darling," he replies as he brings himself ever so close to yours and places his signature, soft kiss sweetly against your lips.

"I love you, too, my darling," he replies as he brings himself ever so close to yours and places his signature, soft kiss sweetly against your lips

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now