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Baji, Mikey, Draken, Sanzu, and Takeomi stand in the middle of the room, searching around for you until Baji notices your jacket stuck on the window. He runs over with the others close behind. They all look down, wondering silently if you'd actually take that fall.

As they peer out of the room, you bolt out the door and run down the hall. When you get to the end with the elevator, you're just about to click the button when it dings open. On the other side, a figure with white hair and ice-blue eyes stands before you.

Immediately, you recognize the person as Senju and stab them right in the leg with your scissors to avoid the confrontation. As they fall to the ground, clutching their leg, you bolt out of there and escape to the emergency stairs.

You practically fall down the set of stairs until you arrive at the floor below Senju- it's probably better to take the elevator rather than the stairs and risk someone getting down to the bottom before you.

Inside the elevator, you dial the phone for Hanma and hold it up to your ear. When you hear him call out on the other line, you lean back against the wall of the elevator in relief.

"Where are you?" you say in almost a whisper as your eyes shut gently to calm you down.

"Just around the corner, baby. Don't worry, I'll be there," he assures you.

"Okay," you sigh. "I gotta go. I'll see you in a bit. I love you."

"I love you, too."

With that, your eyes shoot open and the elevator doors allow you out. You dash across the dining hall of the party ignoring all of the angry looks and curses you get as you push groups of literal gang members out of your way.

Soon you notice that there's more cursing coming from somewhere behind you. Looking back, you notice the five men from the room upstairs (except for Takeomi who probably stayed behind with Senju) chasing after you.

"Shit!" you curse to yourself as you burst open the front doors and run out of the building, hoping you can lose them somewhere outside. But close behind, Mikey follows. When you look back, you find him lifting up a gun in your direction.

With a squeak, you quickly dive behind a convenient side alley and duck down behind a dumpster. As you stop to catch your breath, you can hear Mikey's footsteps followed by Sanzu's creepy laughter getting closer to where you are. However, just as you're beginning to prepare yourself for Mikey's incoming doom, the sound of a motorcycle fills your ears. Are you about to get run over instead? Where the hell did they get a bike that fast.

In almost an instant before you can hardly comprehend what's about to go down, someone grabs you by the hand and whips you onto the back of the motorcycle behind them.

"Hold on tight, babe!" Hanma's voice calls out excitedly.

Realizing it's him, you wrap your arms around him tight. "Thank God, you got here just in time!" you shout with a breath of relief. "I thought I was really dead this time! How did you find me so fast?!"

"The tracker on your phone, love. Did you really forget?" he hums.

"Oh my god," you sigh, "I love technology."

"Yeah, well you're about to love me even more once I get us away from those crazy assholes."

"Huh? They're still running after us? H-" you begin to ask, just before hearing the sounds of motorcycle engines closing in behind you.

Turning around, you find both Mikey and Sanzu on their bikes chasing after the two of you.

"Holy shit, no way!" you squeak.

"Just hold on," he reminds you, waiting for your grip around him to tighten before zooming even faster down street after street, ignoring any stoplights and stop signs that may get in his way.

Unfortunately, Mikey and Sanzu act the exact same. It takes what feels like an hour until Hanma successfully avoids them by driving straight between two trucks at an intersection and leaving the others in his dust.

When you get home, you fall over the side of your sofa and let out a big sigh of relief.

"All that bullshit for how much?" Hanma asks as he gently pulls Baji's backpack off of your back.

"Not much," you scoff as you sit up properly, "but I'm lucky I got out with my life. I can't believe that asshole really stuck me in that room!"

"So much for their help," Hanma shakes his head as he opens the backpack and dumps its contents on the nearby table.

You wait a few minutes as he goes through the cash. You get up and walk to the kitchen, grabbing two glasses of wine and filling them both up halfway. By the time you're done and sit down at the table beside your husband, he's got the answer to his question.

"About three mil," he explains.

"Seriously?!" you groan, "That wasn't worth almost dying."

"Don't worry about it, love," he assures you as he accepts the wine glass you've poured for him, "We'll turn the tables on those Toman assholes in due time."

"Mhm," you nod happily, "We'll kill each and every one of 'em that gets in our way. Oh, but first, let's gun a practice round on the Haitani clan!"

"Not a bad suggestion," he nods. "They would be next seeing the pattern of things, but we might have to give it some time. I'm sure word has spread to them about what we're doing and we might have to lay low or they'll put up a tough fight."

"Got it," you nod. "I'll be ready whenever you give the word."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now