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You throw your legs on top of Hanma's desk as you sit across from him in his office.

"What were you so anxious to talk to me about?" you ask curiously with a grin that matches the one across his lips.

"Haitani was next on our list, right?"

"Yeah..." you smirk as you sit up in your chair. "Are we finally gonna hit 'em? Have you got a plan?"

"Sort of," he shrugs, "but I got you a little present first."

Your eyes light up immediately at the word 'present'.

"Go put on one of your bathing suits and meet me down by the pier at about, say, noon, okay?" he hums.

"Sure!" you beam happily as you practically jump out of your chair and lean over the desk to kiss him. "Can't wait!"

With that, you skip out of the room happy as can be to get yourself ready for whatever surprise he's got waiting for you.

Later that afternoon, you drive down to the pier to meet him. As you walk out, you find him standing beside a yacht and smiling over at you.

"Is that it?!" you gasp. "Is that the present?!"

"Yep," he nods. "With the casino doing well and everything we've gained recently, I decided to buy it. It's an Ocean Alexander 27E."

"Oh my god! Can we go for a ride?!"

"It's yours," he shrugs, "so you tell me."

You absolutely beam at his answer and run right onto it. After giving it a thorough exploring, you end up on the top floor where you find a picnic basket and a bottle of champagne on a table alongside two glasses.

You grab the bottle and spin around to your husband who chuckles at your excitement. Then, without you even needing to ask, he pops open the bottle.

"Go in the hot tub," he nods to it behind you. "I'll bring over the bottle."

Happily, you agree and shed down into your bathing suit. You step into the hot tub with a sigh at the warmth. Then, just like he said, Hanma comes over with your glass of champagne and places a small, floating table of grapes, tomatoes, and cheeses before you.

He then pulls off his shirt, revealing that pretty red vial around his neck that you're so in love with as he sinks down beside you with his glass of champagne.

"Cheers," you giggle as you hold out your glass to him.

"To us," he smiles. "May we continue being so successful."

You nod and sip on your drink. The two of you then talk and enjoy the calming ride as the boat steers itself with whatever destination your husband input in the machine.

"So, are you ready for this?" he finally asks. "Our last practice round."

"Oh? So this is more than a leisurely ride. How did I know?" you grin. "Of course I'm ready, this is me we're talking about."

"Hm, you're right. I'm not worried about you at all, you're probably even better than me when it comes to this kind of thing," he admits.

"Yeah, well, probably, but you do well for a beginner," you assure him.

"Thanks, love," he smiles. "By the way, I've got something else for you."

"Another present?!" you say with wide eyes. "I must be dreaming."

"Yes, another gift but I don't think you're dreaming," he chuckles.

He then holds out a small box which you tear open in an instant. A gasp leaves your lips when you open it up to see a diamond-shaped vial inside.

"Is this what I think it is?!"

"I told you I owed you one," he grins as he watches the excited expression on your face.

You immediately put it around your neck and beam at your husband. "How do I look?!"

"As beautiful as the day I met you," he hums.

Your smile only widens as you swim closer to him and leave a kiss behind on his lips. He places down his wine on the edge of the tub and pulls you right onto his lap. You sit on him happily and wrap your arms around his neck carefully due to the glass still in your hand.

You let him kiss you again until his teeth catch on your bottom lip and he pulls away slightly. You close your eyes as you wait out the pause he creates to watch you sink into a moment of longing. Then, after letting you suffer enough, he traces his tongue softly over your lips. You quietly part them and allow him to explore your mouth for the millionth time, only slightly different now because of the taste of champagne on his tongue.

His hands grab onto your ass as he pulls you closer, but before he can take it any further, there's a sound of a loud boat honking and you pull away from the shock.

"Goddammit, we're here already?" he curses.

"Where's 'here'?" you ask curiously.

"The Haitani yacht club, of course," he grins.

Your eyes widen as he steps out of the hot tub, picks up his clothes, and walks towards the front of the boat. You quickly follow after him and find Rindo Haitani standing on a pier just before your new boat with his arms crossed.

"I want nothing to do with the two of you. Leave," he says sternly.

"Woah, woah, wait a second!" you call out as you approach the stand off. "We came because we wanted to form an alliance, not cause problems!" you lie.


What an ass.

"At least hear us out with Ran! I don't think he'll be too pleased if he hears you turned down an alliance without any context!" you provoke with a grin.

Rindo looks between the two of you for a moment before rolling his eyes. "Fine, just hurry the hell up."

You smile over at Hanma and quickly throw your clothes back on before leaving the boat. Rindo then ushers the two of you inside, watching you especially closely. Since Hanma and the Haitanis were friends before this whole thing, they know you're the one who's more likely to wander off and steal something before discussing anything.

At the end of the walk, you're brought into a room where Ran is sitting. He looks at his brother in almost disgust after seeing the two of you step into the same room as him.

"The hell do you two want?" he spits.

Hanma begins to lie, explaining that the two of you came to form an alliance instead of causing more problems. However, neither of them really want to hear him out and are basically just waiting for him to stop talking to throw you both out. So, taking matters into your own hands, you throw your hands over your mouth and turn their attentions towards you.

"I'm sorry... Nauseous..." you fake.

The two brothers look at you oddly as they watch your little display. Hanma chuckles awkwardly and apologizes to the two of them for you.

"Sorry guys," he smiles, "Morning sickness."

"Morning sickness?" Ran repeats.

"But it's not morning..." Rindo adds.

"God, what the hell would you know about it!" you shout. "I need to get to the bathroom now!"

With that, you dash out of the room leaving the three of them behind.

With that, you dash out of the room leaving the three of them behind

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now