five xxx

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Hanma spins you around, pushing your back against the edge of his desk. His hands smack down to rest flat against the desk on either side of you just as your own land right behind you. His eyes are dark, still visibly upset from watching you accept that old man's repulsive moves.

"My love, you remember you're my wife, right?" he asks with venom coating his words.

Your stomach burns as you see him growing angry. "Of course," you smirk.

"And do you know what happens if you forget?"

"Trick question," you hum as you hop on top of his desk with a grin. "That doesn't matter because I'd never forget."

Your husband looks satisfied with your answer as you grab him by his tie and tug him closer to you. "Just remember that you don't have to flirt with others in front of me, princess."

"Old men aren't my thing anyway, don't worry," you giggle.

Hanma hums as he hovers right over top of you. "Yet you still sat right on his lap."

"Yeah, and?" you provoke, understanding where this is going.

"That deserves a spanking," he winks.

As he walks around his desk, you swing your legs to the opposite side and stand up to face the desk. Hanma quickly pulls off his belt and bends it in half. When he gets behind you, he pushes your skirt up above your ass, doing his best to resist the urge to tear it off right now. You do need to walk out of the room after this, after all.

You lean down onto your elbows, sticking your ass out in preparation for the punishment you're about to receive. But as your husband watches the display you put on for him, he instead pushes you flat down against the desk, keeping his hand on your back to prevent you from moving.

"Disrespecting your husband is serious business, Y/N. You shouldn't be as eager as you look," he whispers directly in your ear, most likely knowing that every single word is sent right to your pussy instead of your brain. You know he's teasing you, and for god's sake you just want him to do it already.

After his little lecture, he rubs your ass with his cold hand, leaving a small smack that's just enough to make you whimper quietly. He then guides his hand across your ass and slides two fingers down to your clothed pussy.

"You're soaked already," he scoffs. "Was it me who got you this wet?"

"Don't know," you continue to provoke him, "guess you'll have to find out."

"Damn brat," he mutters to himself before letting out a sigh. "You know, Y/N, I don't want to hurt you, but you're really fuckin' asking for it!"

He then straightens up his back and you push your ass out just a bit more, reading yourself for the impact that's bound to come soon. You can hear him stretching out the belt, teasing you even further, forcing chills down your spine.

"Let's go with ten," he finally speaks. "Is that good for you, sweetheart?"

"Mhm, yes," you hum, doing your best to use proper words as you draw your nails into the previously made marks on the desk below you. It's just about the time you get yourself comfortable that the first blow comes down right on the center of your ass.

"One," he sings with delight in his voice.

"Two..." he continues happily as another sting impacts your backside. You whine as you arch your back against the hot burn left behind.

{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now