twenty three

312 19 1


Y/N'S P.O.V.

When you see your husband still alive, your body is finally able to relax. But since you've got little time to waste, you grab him by the arm and pull him out of the wedding reception hall and outside into an uber where then, and only then, are you able to catch your breath.

"Thank god I gave you that vest," you sigh, flopping your head onto his shoulder as he explains to you that the treasurer bitch tried to shoot him. Hanma agrees and puts his head on top of yours, resting for the rest of the ride in silence until you arrive back at the casino.

"So why are we back here?" he asks you as he peers towards the entrance.

"Mori said there was some kind of issue..." you begin before your eyes catch on Mori running towards the two of you- and he never runs.

Climbing out of the car, you and Hanma meet Mori outside of the casino. "It's Chikao and Kazutora," he says calmly. "They're working together."

"Eh? They're trying to rob us?!" you gasp, completely in disbelief.


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You're sitting on the sidewalk of the street, cuddling your busted and bloody knee from falling onto the ground while holding back tears. Neither of your parents remembered you even existed and didn't bother to make food for you, so after you went out to a store and stole a bag of food by the entrance, you had been going so fast and not watching the shitty ground- only to topple over onto the ground.

But as you're letting your leg just bleed and ache, a boy your age runs up to you, yelling, "Are you okay?!"

You don't answer until he's practically right on top of you, panting after racing across the street. When you look up at him, scary red eyes glare back, causing you to let out a nervous gasp and let those tears stream down your cheeks.

The boy kneels down and softens his expression. "Hey, it's okay, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you. My name's Chikao. What's yours?"

"Y/N," you whisper, avoiding his gaze.

"That's a pretty name," he smiles. "Why are you crying, Y/N?"

You attempt to look up at him again, but those eyes immediately force you to turn away. "I fell on my bike..." you murmur as he glances at the scene of spilled food around you.

Nevertheless, he still smiles. "I was just across the street at my house when I saw you on the ground. Do you wanna come in, clean off, and eat something? My parents won't mind, they hardly even know I exist."

"Okay," you nod, finally meeting his eyes. He then holds out his hand to you, which you take, and stand up. Together, you walk with him across the street and into his house.

Inside, he places you at the dining room table and dabs water around your cut, cleaning it out. Then, once he's done, he applies a bit of medicine like some kind of professional and places on a bandaid.

"Thank you," you smile softly as he then offers you an ice pack. You're still really surprised by his gesture- typically people don't treat you as nice as Chikao.

"I'm gonna go back outside to get your bike and the, uh... food you dropped," he says awkwardly. "Be right back."

"'K," you say a bit disappointed that he's leaving you. But while he's gone, an older boy walks in and eyes you down in the middle of his living room. He's got the same red eyes as Chikao, but this pair is especially dark.

He steps towards you, having absolutely no mind to your personal space, and practically bends right over top of you. And it's only then that you realize you recognize him- he's the clerk from the convenience store across from your house, one whom you've stolen from plenty of times before.

"What's a little thief doing in my house?" he sniffs, creepily checking you out. However, you're too frozen in fear to know what the hell to say to him.

"I'm gonna teach a little shit like you a lesson about stealing from other people since your parents did a shit job at raising-"

"Yo," Chikao calls out, saving you from the man who looks like he wants to bury you alive. "Leave her alone!"

"Why should I? She's the little shit stealing from my store!" he spits back.

"'Cause she's my friend, she's hurt, and fire doesn't put out fire. Does that give you enough reason or do you need more?" he asks, crossing his arms.

Chikao then doesn't wait for the other boy's response and instead takes you by the hand to bring you up to his room. There, once the two of you are sitting across from each other on his bed, he hands you a paper plate with two slices of pizza.

"They're leftovers from our dinner. You're welcome to them. I just warmed 'em up, too. Enjoy!"

Your eyes water at the gesture and, instead of taking the plate, you throw your arms around your new friend. "Thank you," you sigh a breath of relief.

"Ah, you don't have to thank me," he chuckles. "Just maybe don't steal from my brother..."

"Got it," you nod as you sit back up. You wipe your tears and then accept the plate from him, chowing down like you haven't eaten in a week. And that's not completely true... you do get free lunch at school.

Once it starts getting late, Chikao walks you downstairs. He pulls open his garage and guides you over to where he placed your bike. However, when you get there, it's completely demolished.

"That shithead," Chikao mutters.

"Shithead," you repeat to yourself.

"Huh? No, I, uh, didn't mean that. Here, just take my bike. I'll fix yours and give it back to you," he replies as he searches the garage until finding you a bigger, red bike while you accept it gratefully.

Waving goodbye to your new friend, you take off and bike home with a full stomach.

Waving goodbye to your new friend, you take off and bike home with a full stomach

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now