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The next afternoon you leave your house to meet up with Baji for lunch. However, you're a bit concerned- you've never met this guy before so how are you even supposed to know who he-

Just as you walk into the café where you're supposed to meet Baji, you find a man with long black hair yelling at the barista from the counter. He then turns around to stomp out of the building while caring two foam cups, ignoring all the other customers who turned their attention to him. That is, until he spots you and stops dead in his tracks. You groan to yourself as realization hits you. You can't believe that this is who you have to deal with.

"Y/N?" he asks.

You look around at the people in the café whose attentions are all turned to you as though they're invested in your answer. You laugh awkwardly as you're forced to answer.

"Uhh, yeah..."

With a bit of a frown still on his face, he holds out one of the foam cups out to you. "It's tea," he explains almost angrily. "Black."

You do your best to take a deep breath and keep it together as you face this stranger. With a fake smile, you thank him, but you're insides scream seriously?! Black tea?! However, it is nice that he did that for you. And it seems like he went out of his way considering that it was something to get all worked up and angry over.

But then, Baji begins to walk away from you without another word. He heads towards the opposite side of the café with a few empty tables and you're forced to follow after him. In the end, the two of you sit down in the corner of the space.

"So what was the deal with that barista?" you ask hopefully as you take your seat.

"Two cups of black tea shouldn't be seven hundred freaking yen!" he grumbles angrily.

"That's- Were you really yelling about that when I walked in?!" you ask a bit disappointedly.

"Do we need to keep talking about this? It's kind of a sore subject, you know!"

You nod as you try to hold in an eye roll and instead take a small sip from your burning hot tea. He wasn't kidding, it's black tea alright- absolutely no sugar, honey, milk, or anything!

"What do you want to talk about then?" you ask him as you swallow down the somewhat malty-tasting drink he's given you.

"What we came here for," he says quite honestly. "Listen, Toman's having a dinner for some sudden new alliance with the Akashi clan. It's probably due to whatever the hell you idiots did to their casino the other night. I'm pretty sure they're pissed!"

Okay, ignoring that he just called me an idiot... He's probably right. They're both pissed off at Hanma which is why they're joining forces.

"How come Hanma doesn't know about this? He is still part of Toman after all," you ask a bit confusedly.

Baji shrugs as he takes a large sip of tea. "I don't think anyone from his division was invited to the dinner. Our treasurer has made Mikey suspicious about Kisaki and Hanma lately. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about Otsuda, too."

"Goddammit," you grumble. "Well, what should I do to help?"

"I was thinking that since Mikey's never met you, I could bring you along with me to the dinner. We can find out their next move before we make ours."

"What about your plan?" you wonder.

"Plans change. That can be our backup if we need it."

"Sure," you nod, thinking that his plan to infiltrate the Toman/ Akashi meeting isn't a half-bad idea.

After your lunch date, you walk into Hanma's office with a cup of cold, black tea in your hand that you place down on his desk before sinking down into a chair until all your husband can see is the top of your head

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After your lunch date, you walk into Hanma's office with a cup of cold, black tea in your hand that you place down on his desk before sinking down into a chair until all your husband can see is the top of your head.

"Ugh," you groan as you completely collapse into place.

Hanma grins when he sees you. "Hey, babe, how'd it go?"

"Terrible," you whine. "This is a total setup. Something's off about this entire thing but it could prove to be beneficial if it's not... I don't know what to do..."

"Do you feel safe around him?" he asks. "I could have Chikao tail the two of you from a distance if it would make you feel better."

"No, no," you respond as you wave your hand in dismissal of the idea. "I'll be fine. Don't worry Chikao about this."

Besides, he's already busy watching out for Kazutora.

"Okay, well if you need anything I'm only a phone call or a text away," he nods.

"I know," you mumble as you sit up a bit more in the chair. "I got it."

"Now, what the hell is up with this half-filled cup of... tea?" he asks as he lifts up the foam cup.

"It's black tea and I can't drink it. Baji bought it and complained about the price so I didn't have the guts to just throw it out without finishing it. I thought that since you like black tea, maybe you would want it... or throw it out for me," you smile sheepishly.

Hanma chuckles as he takes the lid off the top of the cup and raises it to his lips.

"This is ice cold!" he says after consuming the tiniest sip.

"Yeah, well don't blame me," you sigh. "It's not my fault that Baji talks so damn much!"

"It's fine," he smiles. "I appreciate the thought, princess."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now