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Y/N'S P.O.V.

You jump for joy as you throw your excited arms around your husband. "That's perfect," you beam. "Nakano will definitely come now that he's interested."

"Half of me hopes he doesn't come," Hanma scoffs as you release him from your embrace. "He seems like a stuck-up asshole."

"Yeah, you're definitely going to have an interesting time dealing with him when he gets here, but don't worry, I'll be here to help. Besides, I'm sure you're going to enjoy the drama he'll bring along with him."

"Like living in a circus," he sighs.

"You said it," you hum as you walk across the office and peer out the window. A bit of silence befalls the two of you before Hanma speaks up again.

"How come you don't sell it to him?"

"Me," you scoff. "Yeah, right. From that sexist piece of shit? He wouldn't buy the nicest gem on the planet from me even if it was free!"

Hanma draws near as you go off on your little rant. He sneaks up behind you and slides his arms around your waist. "Don't worry, babe," he hums as he pulls you close to his chest, "I'll do ya proud."

"I know you will," you smile as you tilt your head up to look back at him. But just as he leans down to kiss you, there's a commotion from the lobby. It could be a regular customer causing an issue as that has most definitely happened before, but this time just feels different.

With a quick goodbye, you leave Hanma's office and walk out across the casino floor. Far away you spot Nakano shouting at one of your security guards, demanding to be taken to your husband. You dust yourself off as you mentally prepare for the bullshit you're going to have to take from this man. It'll all be worth it in the end, you sigh as you step closer to him.

"Y/N this man is demanding to speak to your husband but refuses to explain why," your guard explains.

"Don't worry, Mori, I can take it from here," you nod politely.

Then, without saying a single word, Nakano whips off his jacket and hands it to you. Only after it has been thrown into your arms does he speak. "Where is that crook, Hanma?" he shouts.

"My husband is right this way, if you'll just follow me," you smile fakely as you do your best not to throw his jacket right back at him.

Quickly, you dig your fingers into his jacket pockets, looking for any cash he may have left behind. But of course, that goddamn penny pincher left nothing behind.

After tossing the jacket in Chikao's direction, you guide Nakano towards Hanma's office. Inside, your husband is sitting quietly by his desk when he looks up at you with an excited grin.

"Ahh, come in, my love," he gleams. However, before you can walk towards him, Nakano grabs onto your arm and pulls you to sit right into his lap. Big attitude change from before, you think as you scoff to yourself. His ego has somehow skyrocketed, and it was already big enough before.

As your pushed down, your husband's eyes drift down to how Nakano lingers his sticky hand on your bare thigh. With a smile, you go along with it. It is all part of your plan, after all. You throw your arm right around Nakano and grin over at your husband whose eyes are darkening with every second.

"What's going on, babe?" you ask. "Who's your new friend?"

"This is Nakano," he says through gritted teeth."

"I want that goddamn Hudson necklace. You crooks better have the real thing. I've got an eye for this type of thing, you know. I'll know if you're trying to sell me a fake!"

"Of course you will!" you giggle. "You're famous, I know who you are! So, how much for the necklace, Shuji?"

"Seventy million yen."

That's higher than I told him to go for. He's really trying to drain this guy.

"No way! Sixty is as high as I'll go!" Nakano shrieks as he grips tighter onto your leg.

Gently, you place your hand on Nakano's cheek and turn the old man's wrinkly face towards you. "Aw, come on. I've been having such financial troubles lately and we'll be hardly making any profit off this otherwise," you sigh. "Seventy is the least we can do. Besides, you should know it's worth more like ninety million!"

Nakano looks at you with an angered expression that softens as he watches the pleading look in your eyes. As he grumbles a string of curses to himself, he pulls out a stack of cash and starts going through it. Your eyes tear right through the stack, estimating that there's probably about two hundred million yen in there. That asshole really is a cheapskate.

Nakano traces the seventy million yen along the side of your body before holding it out to you. So gross, you think. The only one you enjoy touching you like that is your husband. Oh, the things you do for money. And in true spirit of that motto, you toss the stack of cash carelessly to your husband and throw your arms around the old man.

"Thank you," you whisper as you leave a kiss on his wrinkly cheek.

When he stands up, you stand beside him and link onto his arm as your husband passes him the necklace. As they then say their goodbyes, you slip your hand into Nakano's pocket where he placed the rest of his cash. You drop it down beside your foot as Hanma loudly thanks Nakano for his business, and kick it under the desk.

"Alright, let's get you back to your jacket," you smile at Nakano as the two of you walk out of the office.

Back at the front, Chikao hands the old man his jacket. You smile sweetly as he uses Chikao to hold onto the jacket as he puts his arms in.

"I really appreciate your help, you really did us a great favor," you hum.

Nakano chuckles and grabs onto your face roughly. "You're lucky you're such a pretty little thing. I'm no blind man, I can see the size of this damn casino. You're probably more well off than I am."

"Sorry, sir, just doing business," you giggle cheekily before pulling his arm off of you and waving goodbye.

When he's gone, you visibly shake from getting chills. You turn to Chikao and let out a sigh. "What a pig," you shiver. "Tell Mori never to let that guy back in here. He'll probably come back pretty pissed."

"Will do," Chikao nods as he fixes his glasses.

With a polite wave, you walk away and re-enter Hanma's office. "That was so disgu-" you begin before Hanma squeezes you tight enough to knock the wind out of you.

"You're so goddamn perfect, you know that?" he grins.

"We make a pretty good team," you agree. "We should do this more often."

When Hanma hears those perfect words fall from your ears, he releases you from his embrace and instead attaches his soft, chapstick-coated lips against yours.

"You're right, love, but I've got a better plan."

"Oh, yeah?" you smirk. "I'd love to hear it."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now