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Baji quickly pushes you straight inside an elevator with little care to how rough he is.

"What's wrong with you?!" you complain when he finally lets you go and the elevator doors close. "You didn't need to push!"

"You got a better idea!" he snaps back. "I was just trying to get you out of there before Sanzu or anybody else saw you, but you weren't moving!"

"What?! That's 'cause you- Whatever," you scoff as you watch him click a button for one of the top floors of the building.

The two of you ride the rest of the way up in silence. Then, when you get out, you quietly step out and walk down an empty hallway.

"I'll be right back," Baji whispers as he jogs ahead and disappears into a room. Just as you arrive at where he was, he pops back out with a black backpack in tow.

"Come on, let's keep moving," he nods as though you were the one slowing him down. Nonetheless, you continue to follow him until he opens yet another door.

"This is the Treasurer's room," he explains quietly. "She keeps all the cash in the safe."

Baji points across the room towards a closet in the corner. He then hands you a sticky note with what looks like the safe's combination.

"I'll be in the hallway if you need anything," he then says as he tosses you the backpack he was carrying. "Just take what you can and throw it in here. When you're done, let me know and we'll split."

"And what if someone spots you in the hallway?" you ask.

"Doubt it," he shrugs, "but if there is I'll just say I'm waiting for the Treasurer. I don't think anyone will be too suspicious of me."

"Okay," you sigh, "well thanks for the help I guess."

Not that he's doing anything to actually help. But, either way, he nods with a cocky grin and closes the door behind himself. You shake your head and make your way over to the closet. After you open it, you input the safe's code carefully. You're quite relieved when it clicks open, however, the smile on your face fades away immediately when you find that it's absolutely empty.

Does Baji know about this? you wonder. Was the treasurer tipped off somehow? Could it have been Baji or can I actually trust him?

As thoughts swirl around your brain, your fists tighten up. You run across the room with the intention of decking Baji in the face the second you see him, but as you pull on the doorknob you realize that you're locked in.

"You asshole!" you begin to shout as you bang on the door. "Baji, you piece of shit, let me out of here!"

But there's absolutely no answer back. You put your ear up against the door, thinking you'll probably hear him attempting to keep in a laugh or a breath at least, but it's completely silent. You think he must have walked off and left you.

Immediately, you reach into your pocket for your phone and message Hanma.

Y/N: Come over quick! Something isn't right with Baji!

And almost as quickly as you set the text, he delivers his response.

HANMA: On my way.

You place your phone back in your pocket after getting a somewhat relieving text that backup is on its way and begin to search for anything around the room that could either help you escape or find the money you came in here for in the first place. You tear through bookshelves, books, drawers, closets, cabinets, and everything else but turn up completely empty-handed.

With nothing else planned, you sit down on the somewhat stiff couch in the room and put your hands on your head. You begin to think as best as you can, thinking up absolutely anything to get yourself out of this situation before Baji comes back. But you're on one of the top floors, what the hell are you supposed to do!? You've got no way out and there's absolutely no way you're jumping from this kinda height and surviving.

But as you think, your back begins to hurt and you realize this couch has probably never even been sat on before- it's quite odd and almost crunchy...

Eyes widening as you come up with a hopeful idea, you run to the desk and pull open the drawer where you had previously found a letter opener. You stab right down into the cushion and are absolutely stunned to see piles and piles of cash hidden in the place of couch stuffing- that treasurer sure as a weird way of hiding money.

You try not to think of how strange it is as you gather together as much as you can and place it into the backpack Baji gave you. However, right when it's filled to the brim, you hear voices and footsteps getting louder from the hallway.

You run to the window and open it, looking down to check just how high up you are- definitely one of the top floors alright, there's no way you can jump.

As you pull away, your jacket gets caught on the window's handle. And of course, at just the same time, you hear the sound of keys jingling as Baji begins to open the door to your room. You pull away with no mind to how your jacket sticks to the window and allow it to rip off your body just as the door unlocks.

You quickly swipe a pair of scissors from the desk and run behind the door just as it opens. When it does, you see the backsides of five men walk into the room- five, including Baji, Mikey, Draken, Sanzu, and Takeomi.

God damn that little shit! I knew he was going to pull something like this!

God damn that little shit! I knew he was going to pull something like this!

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now