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A few days later on the evening of the Toman/ Akashi dinner alliance, you quickly get yourself ready to go. When you get the 'I'm here' text from Baji, you rush over to your door and quickly step into your shoes. Just as you're about to walk out, your husband grabs you by the hand and spins you around to plant a quick kiss on your lips.

"Be safe," he warns, "And remember, I'm only a text away."

"Yeah, I know," you smile as you reach your hand to the doorknob. "See you after!"

You then open up the door and walk out to Baji where he waits beside his motorcycle. You think it's awfully unclassy of him to pick you up on a bike to an important meeting/fake date (not to mention that your hair is going to get ruined in the wind, too!) but, whatever, you don't make it a big deal.

"Hey," you smile as you climb on behind him. Baji scoffs back in response just before muttering something to himself. "Seriously? Don't be rude. We are on a date tonight, after all," you smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, just put your arms around me so we can go."

Doing as he asked, you drop the conversation and hold on tight to him. Eventually, you arrive at the dining hall. You hop off his bike quietly and follow close beside him as you walk in, hoping that you don't run into anyone from the Akashi clan, like Sanzu, who will recognize you immediately.

Relief relaxes your body as you spot Kazutora nearby. As the two of you approach him, you find that he's standing beside a couple that you've never seen before: a man with a braided ponytail who's definitely over six feet tall and a short woman with blonde hair.

You introduce yourself to Kazutora and the other two, acting as though you have no idea who he is. The couple then introduces themselves as Draken and Emma, the latter taking an immediate liking to you. She holds out her hand with a big smile, showing a rock on her finger that's nothing in comparison to the one that's waiting for you back home. Regardless, you politely congratulate her and move the conversation along quite nicely. That is, however, until she decides to ask you about your relationship.

"Are the two of you dating?" she asks curiously.

"We sure are!" you beam, tugging Baji closer to your side and ignoring the slightly irritated look he gives you.

"Yep," he agrees unenthusiastically.

The group then shows you to the table that they're sitting at. As you follow behind, Baji nudges you in the arm and leans down slightly to whisper "What the hell was that?!"

"I'm just trying to make it look real," you shrug as you whisper back. "Sorry Mr. Hot-Tempered but maybe if you were nicer you could actually get a real girlfriend!"

"The fuck do you know?" he grumbles. "You don't even know me!"

"Whatever," you say, rolling your eyes as you arrive at the table Emma and Draken have shown you to.

As you sit down, Baji takes a breath and lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry," he apologizes through clenched teeth. "It wasn't a bad idea since Emma did ask."

"Mhm," you nod as you look away, only to freeze when you spot Sanzu from the Akashi clan just a short ways off. You slouch down in your seat, hoping that he won't notice you, but also not realizing the strange looks you're getting from the party at the table.

"What are you doing now?!" Baji says as he grabs onto your arm and sits you up a bit more. "You look insane!"

"They can't see me!" you squeak as you continue to stare down Sanzu who seems to be searching around for someone.

"Who are you-" Baji begins, only to stop when he looks in your line of vision and answers the question for himself.

Just as Sanzu begins to turn towards the two of you, Baji makes a split-second decision and grabs you by your cheek, turning your face towards him. In an instant, before you can process anything, he presses his soft set of lips against yours. He kisses you, shielding your face from being seen by Sanzu. You're grateful, but seriously thrown off guard that he'd have the gall to kiss a married woman. Still, you accept the kiss. It's not like your husband would be pissed off anyway. If anything, he'd be relieved that Sanzu didn't spot you and ruin this whole thing.

"Awww," Emma coos as you pull yourself away from Baji.

You give her a fake smile, though your eyes are unable to part from your date's. Eventually, you stand up and grab him by the arm to pull him away from the table. Bringing him around an empty corner, you punch him straight in the chest.

"Seriously?!" you whisper sternly. "You said you didn't want to make it like that!"

"What did you want me to do?!" he retorts angrily.

"Just forget it," you huff, not wanting to give him the thank-you he probably deserves. "Now, how are we gonna get Toman's money?"

"Don't worry about it for now, let's just go back to the table," he tells you.

Go back?!" you freak out. "Are you kidding, Sanzu-"

"Just shut up and listen, okay?" he grumbles as he walks away. Having no other choice, you follow after him back to the table. When you get back, he leans over his chair and takes a sip from his whiskey before pulling you close.

"Sorry, guys, but my girlfriend and I will be back in, uh, 'bout twenty minutes. Just need a little break," he smirks.

You, who is standing awkwardly at his side as he squeezes you against his body, tense up. Emma's mouth drops at just the same time your face begins to heat up. Meanwhile, Draken chokes on his drink and covers his face with his now-soiled napkin.

Then, after letting you sink in an endless pit of embarrassment for what feels like an eternity on purpose, he pulls you away from your frozen place. You'd kill him if you weren't just using him to get Toman's money.

 You'd kill him if you weren't just using him to get Toman's money

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now