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After Toman's meeting is over, you look around once more for the man with the bell earring. Eventually, you are able to find him, sitting against a stone fence and looking down at his phone. You walk over and take the seat beside him; the second you do, he looks up and grins, shutting off his phone to turn his whole attention to you.

"Took you long enough," he hums. "I don't think I made it too difficult to find me."

"Do you know me?" you ask, a bit caught off guard by his behavior.

"Not personally, but I'm not dumb enough to think you aren't connected to Hanma and Kisaki in some way. I'm Kazutora Hanemiya, by the way." he grins.

"So what if I am? That's not a crime. Besides, they're my captain and co-captain, after all," you defend calmly.

"That's not exactly what I meant," he sighs with a shake of his head. "Takemitchy's been goin' around saying that they're both trying to start up some "Otsuda" gang and put Toman in a grave. Are you part of that?"

"I follow Hanma," you shrug as you give your ambiguous answer.

"That's vague enough," he chuckles.

"What else have you heard from Takemitchy?" you ask with narrowing eyes.

"Well, I heard that Hanma's pretty pissed at Toman for some money think that happened with Kokonoi a little while back. That probably gives him a good reason to try and finish the Tokyo Manji Gang..."

"Hanma's got his own casino," you shrugs. "Everybody knows that so why would he care about a little bit of cash?"

Kazutora looks you dead in the eye before speaking. "You know, Y/N, if you want to get rid of Toman, I want in."

"Oh please," you scoff at his horrible acting skills. "What the hell is that? You tryna be a cop or a shitty actor?"

"Neither," he replies still as serious as before. "I can prove it, too."

"If I were to let you, how would you go about doing that?" you hum, now beginning to get a bit invested in how far he'll go with this. But also, on the flip side, if he is serious, it would be smart to have him prove his worth.

Kazutora silently turns his phone back on and shows you a picture from his camera roll of a casino different than Hanma's. "This is the Akashi gang's casino," he tells you, "and I know where the vault is... and the combination. Your group could make bank from that if you pull it off."

"How do I know you're not working with the Akashis?" you scoff. "Hanma's not exactly on good terms with them either, right now for... personal reasons."

"You're too damn skeptical, you should accept what I'm giving you. I mean, you don't have to go along with it, but I'll be here if you change your mind," he nods.

"Dammit," you curse as you look around to make sure the two of you are along. "Get up, let's go!"

As you stand up, you grab Kazutora by the arm, pulling him towards the direction you last saw Hanma. And when you finally do find your husband, you basically toss Kazutora right at him.

"Whoa, what's goin' on babe?" Hanma chuckles as he pushes Kazutora off him probably a bit more rudely than he meant to considering it did catch him off guard.

"This little shit is trying to pull some stunt but I don't know what it is," you huff. "He says he wants to get rid of Toman and has some secret in with the Akashi gang and their casino vault."

Hanma looks between you and the dual-haired man. "So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that he could be bullshitting us! How am I supposed to know whether he's telling the truth or not?" you sigh deflatedly.

"Well, I don't see an issue with this. Let's bring him back with us and keep him 'til we get what we want out of this whole thing, yeah?"

"Sure," you nod as a bit of stress is released from your shoulders. "That's not a terrible plan."

"Good 'cause if we actually pull something like that of..."

"We'll make a fucking buttload of money!" you finish for him excitedly.

Hanma nods and you grab onto Kazutora again. "Come on," you nod to him, "you're coming with us."

"Can I at least bring my bike?" he asks hopefully and a bit worried about leaving his bike unattended for too long.

"Don't worry about it," you assure him. "I'll have Chikao bring it. Where the hell is he anyway?"

"I'll find him," Hanma says as he tosses you the car key. "Hand me your keys, Kazutora. I'll have Chikao bring it on his way back. You two get in the car."

Kazutora agrees without putting up a fight and hands Hanma his keys. Hanma then walks off to find Chikao and the two of you get to the car. It's only a few minutes later that Hanma arrives and the three of you ride off to the casino.

 It's only a few minutes later that Hanma arrives and the three of you ride off to the casino

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"Keep going," you whisper to Kazutora as he walks in front of you through the busy casino. You guide him all the way to Hanma's office where you have him stop and begin restraining up with zip cuffs.

"Now," Hanma smiles as he sits in his large chair behind his desk. "What's this about the Akashi vault?"

Kazutora explains to the two of you that at the back of the Akashi gang's casino, there's a door that leads to a basement- and in that basement is a large, golden vault stacked with all kinds of cash.

After exchanging an agreeable look towards you, Hanma tells Kazutora that he'll go to check this whole thing out. It's then up to you to slap a piece of duct tape over Kazutora's mouth and apologize profusely as you toss him into Hanma's dark closet.

You then strip yourself of Toman's uniform, leaving yourself in a black dress. Beneath, you tie a belt around one of your legs and stick an unloaded gun and taser into its loops. Then, as you reach over Kazutora's body, you grab a box of bullets and batteries from the back of the closet and pass it to your husband.

"What're you planning?" he asks with amusement in his eyes.

"I'll take the front, you take the back."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now