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You step out of your bathroom only to find your husband scrolling through his phone in bed as he does before going to sleep. You strip your clothes and toss them into the hamper, unknowingly attracting his attention towards you. Once you notice, you smile and shake your head at his behavior.

"So, what did you think?" you ask a bit vaguely.

"About you? God, I chose the right woman to be my wife..." he replies with a dreamy sigh.

"No, you idiot," you chuckle. "I meant about Baji's plan."

"Everything will be fine, Y/N. Stop worrying and stressing yourself out over it."

You pause where you stand and put your hands on your hips. "Me worry less? You should worry more!" you lecture, only causing him to laugh.

"Whatever," you grumble. "Anyway, how are things going with that Treasurer girl you told me about?"

"Eh," he shrugs. "She's got me a bit of money but it's nothing to be proud of. She's stingy as hell and skeptical about every single little thing... I can't stand her."

You laugh at the way he shivers at the thought of Toman's treasurer as you grab a pair of your pajamas. "And," you continue as you look at him curiously for his reaction to what you're about to ask, "what about Baji's plan? Think we'll make a good profit?"

"I think it'll be quicker and more effective," he nods. "Besides, I just want to get rid of Toman, I don't care how the hell we do it."

You sigh as you sit down on the bed. Hanma leans up and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly from behind. You lift your hands to his arms and lean back against him quietly.

"Baji's plan will be fine, I promise," he hums softly.

You think it really shouldn't be too bad of a plan as long as your husband is able to stay safe. Besides, you've got Chikao keeping an eye on Kazutora so it really should be fine. Chikao will tell you the second he notices anything off about Kazutora.

"Alright fine," you respond as you let out a deep breath. "I'm in. What do you want me to do?"

"Whatever you need to do to make sure Baji stays close to you," he replies seriously. "We don't want to risk him turning on us at any second. He could be planning something on Toman's side." He then leans closer to you and whispers ever so quietly into your ear. "I trust Kazutora, not Baji."

"I won't forget," you nod. "I won't let him out of my sights."

"Good. Then tomorrow you'll take the first step and meet with him. I still can't figure out why, but Kazutora did say that Baji wants to meet with you alone before anything else..."

"It's fine," you assure him. "I'll try my best to stay on his good side. Hopefully, he's not too hotheaded."

"Yeah," he scoffs with the tiniest of laughs, "no stealing from him either. That definitely won't get him on our side."

"Don't worry 'bout that, he doesn't sound like he's got much on him," you sigh a bit disappointedly.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, love," Hanma hums as he squeezes you a bit tighter.

"Yeah, yeah, my dad used to say bullshit like that all the time when I was younger. You don't need to remind me," you smile.

The two of you take a moment to exchange a small laugh before Hanma's smile fades away. He gently takes you by your cheek and turns your face slightly to the side so he can get a better look at you.

"If you're in danger or are suspicious about anything Baji's saying or doing, you get the hell out of there, you understand that?" he tells you sternly. "You mean the world to me and I don't want to see you getting hurt. That'll just piss me off even more, got it?"

"I'll be fine," you giggle. "You don't have to worry about that."

"Ya know, you're taser's still somewhere on the floor from last night," he teases. "You could always bring it with you."

"Perv," you scoff as you shove him away from you. However, as he laughs back he pulls you right over top of him and lays down against the bed.

"I really mean it, Y/N, I love you and you mean everything to me. I couldn't stand losing you. Watch out for yourself," he says once again.

You smile Kindly back at him upon hearing how brutally honest he is opening up to you like that. "Don't worry, babe, I'll be fine," you hum back just before kissing him gently.

You then pull yourself away from his hold and slide under the covers beside him. However, when you turn back to face him he looks at you as though you just broke his heart.

"What?!" you gasp when you see the puppy dog looking eyes he gives you.

"That's it?! You're just going to bed like that?!" he sniffs.

"Oh shut up," you laugh, "Don't be so needy."

His eyes darken as that smirk that has you throbbing instantly creeps across his face.

"Okay fine," you giggle as you move around under the sheets to sit on top of his lap, "I suppose I can spare a few minutes."

"Don't be so cocky," he tells you as his fingers slip under the shirt you had only just put on, "It'll be longer than that..."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now