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When you get to the casino later that afternoon, Mori drops you and Chikao off at the front entrance. You kiss Hanma goodbye and remind Mori to wait at least two blocks over and one of you will call him when he's needed. After he nods silently, you and Chikao step out and wave goodbye. You then tuck your arm in with Chikao's and walk casually towards the front entrance of the casino.

"So," you hum excitedly as you practically skip towards the front doors, "are you prepared to die?"

"What?!" he squeaks, his whole body tensing up as your words hit his ears.

"You should be prepared for the worst," you whisper. "We are going into the Akashi gang's territory right now, after all. You know Hanma's not on good terms with Sanzu..."

Chikao nods firmly. "Of course. Anything for you, Y/N."

"God, you're so formal," you tease as you smile back at him. "But you know what, I'd do the same for you so I'm glad to hear it goes both ways."

Chikao stiffens up and your smile only widens as you watch how awkward he gets. But at just the same time, two guards open the front doors and you walk towards the security personnel dead ahead.

You watch Chikao a bit nervously as he gets patted down by a man, but he's got nothing on him so he should be fine. It's you that you should be worrying about, especially when the woman who's patting you down pulls out your gun from its holster.

"Uh, it's a protective thing," you giggle.

The woman eyes Chikao and scoffs. "Is your companion not enough?"

"Nope," you reply rudely as you snatch the gun from her. You want to get this over with as quickly as possible and you don't have time with her bullshitting. You then open the gun and show her that it's empty.

"Whatever," the woman grumbles as she rolls her eyes. "Keep it, but do you really need this as well?" she asks as she lifts up your taser next.

"No batteries," you say sweetly.

"An answer for everything," she sighs. "Go on, get out of my sight before I kick you the hell out."

"Thank you so much," you sing as you wiggle your fingers towards her and link arms with Chikao.

When you enter the main room of the casino, it's quite a bit louder than you were expecting but you're used to it considering that Hanma's place is the exact same way.

"God, it reeks of weed in here," you whisper to Chikao as you scrunch up your nods. "They're gonna get fuckin' busted and I hope it's soon."

"Yeah, it's a good thing Mori deals with that kinda stuff as well as he does," Chikao nods.

"Mhm," you agree. "What would we do without him."

Just then, you walk past a large white luxury car in the middle of the room. You eye it was you make your way past, thinking you'd like a car like that. Maybe next time you'll come back with that as your grand prize. However, with the money you're about to steal you could always just buy your own custom one.

As the two of you begin to get closer to the middle of the room, a woman with a bright smile holds a tray of drinks out to the two of you. You and Chikao exchange a pleased look as you swipe a drink and thank her happily.

The two of you laugh and enjoy yourselves, playing a few games and blending in for awhile until you realize that it's time to carry out the rest of your plan. You make your way to the bathrooms near the back and part from Chikao. You walk in and fix the makeup on the sides of your eyes before taking a deep breath and walking out in a panic.

"Oh my god!" you shout, noticing a sanitation worker just a little ways off from Chikao, "Someone puked in there! It fucking reeks! We're leaving!"

Immediately, the sanitation worker uses the employees' door to run out and grab their supplies. But just as he steps outside, Chikao stops the door from closing with his foot, and the person who replaces the sanitation worker is none other than your husband who throws a bloody baseball bat onto the floor and fixes his jacket before stepping into the room.

You smile immediately as you see him, running right up and pulling him into a tight hug and kiss.

"Were you drinking?" he chuckles.

"It was just one drink," Chikao cuts in respectfully. "But, Sir, we should get going."

"Good idea," Hanma nods as you release him and grab onto his hand.

The three of you casually walk around for awhile. As you watch a game of roulette, Hanma slips you the batteries for your taser. In return, you slip him the gun.

"They didn't give me a problem about bringing in weapons which means none of the Akashi heads are around," you whisper.

"Okay, good to know. I'm impressed you thought that far ahead," he hums as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. "I did bring an extra gun in case, though, but I'll hand it over to Chikao."

"'K," you smile. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Come on."

The two of you walk away from the roulette table with Chikao following right behind you. Hanma casually passes him the gun as the three of you walk across the casino towards the corner where Kazutora told you is the door leading to the basement. And just like Kazutora said you would, there is a door guarded by two men dressed in black. When you approach, you stop and turn to face your two accomplices.

Chikao nods. "That's definitely it."

"You two stay here," you say as you check to make sure Hanma's still got his gun. "I'll take it from here."

When you turn around, you begin to make your way towards the door stumbling and playing drunk. You slap your hand over your mouth and feign being sick as you make your way closer. You get a single hand flat on the door when the two guards tell you to stop and aim their guns right at your head.

"Please, please, God, don't kill me," you whine as you allow tears to run down your cheeks. "I'm gonna fucking toss, let me in!"

The two men stare at each other for a second as they figure out what to do with you- you assume they've never had to deal with something like this before.

"Uhh, come with me, Miss," one of the men says as he gently touches your shoulder. "I'll show you to the bathroom."

You nod profusely and allow him to walk you off. When you get into the bathroom, you grab him by the arm and pull him in with you insisting that, "I need someone to make sure I don't puke up blood or anything. Think my date mighta tried to drug me. How fucked is that?"

The man, still unsure how to act, nervously agrees and allows you to push him into one of the stalls with you. As you bend over and fake dry heaving, you reach up your leg to your now-working taser and tase him right between his legs.

He falls towards you with a thud, but you shiver and move out of the way to let his head fall right into the toilet bowl. You wait a moment as you watch bubbles rise to the top, only to see that they cease to form after only a few seconds.

"Gross way to die, man," you shiver once more as you reach into his pocket and pull out his gun. "Sorry, I guess."


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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now