nineteen xxx

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After a drink or two, you stand up from your seat beside your husband. You sway around the space on the deck to the music he had begun to play and kick off your shoes to spin on your toes. Hanma smiles and hums along as he watches you move. When you notice, you dance over to him and extend out your hand.

Once he takes your hand, he stands and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close. He spins you around the upper floor of the boat and dips you down much to your surprise. You gasp at the sudden movement (he really gets into dancing when you ask) but laugh it off as you enjoy the happy moment.

When you stand again, you lift your hands to his cheeks and kiss him. "I enjoyed today," you whisper happily. "I was surprised how it happened, but I'm happy that it did."

"As am I," he agrees.

You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. Then, as you push back, you smile and guide him over towards the railing overlooking the sea. You peer out for a moment, but then look to the side where your husband stands- watching his tall body lean against the rails like some kind of beautiful god. How did you ever get so lucky?

You rest your head down on his shoulder and take in the smell of the fresh breeze gently blowing against your skin. Hanma wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you to face him. Out of the blue, he kisses you this time- rougher, more eager than yours. You tilt your head to the side and deepen the kiss, eyes closing as you focus on the sensation of his hands slowly trailing down your body, finally resting on your ass. You hum to yourself as he presses himself closer to you, feeling the bulge restrained by the clothes between the two of you.

"There's a room inside," he hums in your ear. "Let's go."

Swiftly, you're brought inside the cabin. Your hands hardly leave his body as you're brought inside, slowly unbuttoning the shirt you want so much to get rid of. His fingers grip around the hem of your cover up, lifting the material straight over your head. Once the fabric's disposed of, he trails his hands up your stomach to your breasts. His simple touch as you reeling as you crave more of him.

As your hands travel across the hard muscles across his torso, your nails dig along his skin. "Shuji," you call quietly as he tosses the clothes across the room. But he doesn't respond as he instead bends down slightly to pick you up in his arms, his hands on your ass.

"You're such a good girl for me," he whispers with satisfaction.

Your head spins as you hear him speak- such a sucker for praise. You bite back a pathetic whine in response.

Hanma furrows his eyebrows at your reaction. "What's wrong? Aren't you goin' to thank me?"

Without waiting for a response, he puts you down and spins you around. Much to your surprise, you come face to face with your own self on the opposite side of a mirror. He then pulls the string to the top of your bathing suit, allowing you to drop it to the ground.

Two large hands reach around your waist and up your body. One stops at your breast, roughly thumbing and pinching the sensitive bud at the peak of your mound while the other pushes right on into your mouth.

"Hm, seems to be working just fine," he grins as your mouth waters despite the intrusion. You wish you couldn't see the way he smirks behind you as he carefully watches you suck his fingers.

When he's finally satisfied, he spins you back to face him. "Get on your knees, love, and then maybe I'll return the favor to that needy little cunt of yours."

Then, with another rough kiss on your lips, you're forced right down onto your knees. You start by grabbing his belt, sliding it around the waist of his pants, but just as you're about to place it on the ground, he takes it from you. Watching with widening eyes, he wraps it around your neck and holds the end in a tight fist.

"You look so pretty like that," he remarks as he gently cups your cheek to look up at him.

But just as you're savoring the praise, he pulls against the belt and restricts the room you have to breathe. Your face feels hot as you look up at him in shame, waiting for the word he gives you to begin.

"Go on, princess," he grins wickedly as he pulls you even closer. You anxiously agree and take him in, but as you wrap your lips around his length and begin the work he's given you, a dizzy spell befalls your head- you are only getting a limited amount of oxygen from your restricted throat, after all.

Nonetheless, you bob your head and swirl him around with your tongue, performing as best you can while saliva builds up in your mouth. When you try to break for air, he just pulls the belt again and stuffs himself down your throat without any mind to you. God, he looks so pleased, smirking as you choke him down. You gag at the saliva that pools in your mouth, running down the corners of your lips. It's now that your head begins to get light- if you keep going like this, you may quite honestly pass out.

Once he realizes how dazed you look, he pulls you away from his spit-covered cock and allows you to catch your breath. Leaning down, he kisses you on the forehead and praises you once more. "You're so amazing," he breathes, to which you thank him with a smile.

He holds out his hand to you and guides you to stand. The belt is then removed from around your neck and discarded on the floor along with the rest of both of your clothes. Then, once you're fully nude before him, he spins you back towards that full-length mirror that's just so conveniently placed.

You lean back against his chest and watch as he pulls your bottoms to the side. You arch your back against him, your ass towards him as you gently rock yourself against the hand that slips between your legs.

"So needy," he says as though it actually makes him quite pleased, "And so shameless about it, too. Be patient, Y/N."

You're then pushed towards the mirror so your hand press flat against the cold glass. You look down and watch as his hand lays on your hip as he positions you how he wants, lining up to your aching core.

When he pushes in, you can't hold back the moan that has you rotating your hips against the mirror as you wordlessly beg for more. You shut your eyes, letting the sensation of him filling you up sink in, but just as you're acclimating yourself, he slides his hand into your hair and pulls your head back. He doesn't need to say a word for you to know what he wants- he's watching you, and you know he'd like you to watch as well.

"Don't be shy," he grins devilishly. "Take in the view."

Your eyes glue to the way his calloused hand now trails up your body without a second of thought. Your heartrate quickens as you watch him travel up to your breasts, squeezing and pinching your sensitive skin, only to travel back down to your hips where he guides himself into ramming into you even harder.

Soon, his fingers slowly linger down to your clit, rubbing circles around your throbbing bundle of nerves. Your mouth hangs open, unable to form any words, as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. He swears under his breath, eyes darkening, too, and you know he's reaching his end as well.

Then, in what feels like a moment of your body no longer under your own control, pleasure fills your body until you fall against the mirror. As your orgasm racks through your body, your husband leaves a few final harsh thrusts before filling you with his own finish.

Once you've calmed down and he's pulled out, he spins you around until your back is pressed against the cold mirror. A smile is spread on both of your faces as you meet eye to eye. What would you ever do without him?

 What would you ever do without him?

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{UNHOLY MATRIMONY} Hanma x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now