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Hana wakes up from her sleep and sits up, yawning

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Hana wakes up from her sleep and sits up, yawning.

"Oh! I forgot to check last night!" She moves her pillow to find pieces of butterscotch candy. "My roommates are so kind, but they still won't confess... I'll figure which one of them it is someday!"

Hana is now having breakfast with Hye Rye and Hee Tae at a restaurant but is more focused on reading Romeo and Juliet.

"I know what you're doing so stop." Hye Ryung takes the book from her. "You're trying to get yourself to cry so you can get out of your punishment. It's not going to work so drink it."

Hye Ryung slightly pushes the glass of white milk towards a pouting Hana.

"But I hate white milk!" Hana whines.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you went wall climbing. Jeongmin told me that Hye Ryung nearly passed out when she saw you outside the window." Hee Tae says.

"Yah! I didn't pass out!" Hye Ryung screams, catching the attention of the other customers. "Why are you listening to that wench?!"

"To be honest she really didn't pass out... But she did look a bit-"

"Say another word about that time and I'll up the punishment to two weeks." Hye Ryung threatens her. "Now gulp it down."

Hana pouts again then starts drinking the milk, making Hee Tae chuckle.

"...Have things not improved with your parents? You barely talk about them anymore." He speaks.

"I still can't believe you went over to the house to give that old we- I mean your mom her birthday present. How old is she again?" Hye Rung asks.

"Teddy, it's rude to ask about a lady's age. And I had to send her present somehow." Hana replies. "I still speak to them sometimes... They did stop from setting me up with the president's son. Appa has started aiming to become president himself instead. But I think they're still secretly looking into guys to set me up with." She mutters.

"Jun Pyo..." Hye Ryung mumbles then shivers. "Out of all the potential suitors, they picked a man who is an alcoholic, druggie and well... a male sl-"

"Hye Ryung." He warns her in a stern tone.

"Fine, I won't say it, but you know what I mean." Hye Ryung sighs. "At least the ones I picked for Hana had some damn class."

"...Hey, Hee Tae?" Hana looks at him with a mischievous smile. "Are you busy on open house?"

The girls of the dorm are gathered in a room, planning for the open house.

"Upon people's entry, we'll draw for the lucky man. And we'll have nice and funny prizes ready so please encourage them to participate in the event. Many of the girls are pleased by what they hear except a certain someone who slams her hand against the table.

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