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"Ugh... I can't move." Hana groans as Soo-ho gives her a piggyback ride.

"Bambi, how did you manage to eat three buckets of fried chicken?" He asks, trying not to laugh.

"I don't know! I just... Ugh, it was just calling my name!" She whines and he bursts out in laughter. "Hey! I wasn't the only who ate it, you did too! I was feeding you remember?!"

"I know, I know. Are you comfy?" He asks, gently rubbing the back of her legs with his thumbs.

"Mmhmm." She smiles, resting her chek comfortably against his shoulder. "...Soosoo?"


"Would you still like me if I told you my dad is the secretary general?" She asks, making him stop in his tracks. "Would you still want to be with me?"

"...Hana-ya... Not being with you would drive me crazy."

"Really?" Her eyes nearly glisten with tears. 

He nods. "Mmhmm. None of that matters to me. As long as I can see you smile, I can stay sane."

"Then I guess we better stay together so that you don't lose your mind." 

He smiles hearing her giggling and continues walking forward.

End of Flashback

Soo-ho follows Hana into the infirmary, and she quickly begins gathering the supplies that she'll need. During this, she can feel him staring at her but continues to ignore him. As he silently watches her, it's driving him crazy as she hasn't looked at him once nor spoken to him since the shootout ended. After she walks past him, he lets out a sigh and follows her. Once she reaches the stairs, he rushes to her and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her back into him.

"Be careful. We set up tripwires." He informs her.

She gasps seeing the booby trap that she almost walked into. She also realizes that he is still holding her close to him, causing those warm feelings to come back. She shakes away those feelings and pushes his arm off of her, taking a step back from him. Just as she is about to take a step down, he gently grabs her arm.

"Hana... Say something." He regrets saying that from the look that she gives him.

"...You lied to me." Her eyes begin glistening with tears, breaking his heart again. "You're a liar."

"Hana, I never meant to-"

"I was dating a spy from the North. I saved a spy's life?" She asks, her voice cracking. "What was your mission? Was I a part of it? Us meeting six months ago wasn't a coincidence, wasn't it? I mean why would a spy date me? Was it because of who my father was? Were you hoping to get some intel? Huh?"

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