A Secret Revealed

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"...Are you sure that we shouldn't burn them or something? Isn't that the best way to get rid of the evidence?" Hana asks about Soo-ho's clothes while frowning.

"We can't do something like that in the dorm! It's best to let Man Dong handle it." Hye Ryung tells her.

"What if Bun Ok is plotting to get back at Hana?" Seol Hui says in a worried tone after hearing about what had happened between Hana, Hye Ryung and Bun Ok.

"We need to hurry and get rid of it. She's likely checked the invitation tickets after seeing Soo-ho. She'll realize that he never came in through the entrance. She would be suspicious." Jeongmin says.

"This is driving me crazy. She must have told Ms. Pi." Hye Ryung adds and notices Hana eating a butterscotch. "What's wrong with you? You just had fried chicken and two butterscotch's after that would be enough for you. But that's your eighth butterscotch, meaning that you're really upset about something, and I know it's not about gizzard."

"...Darn. She knows me too well." Hana mumbles and puts the rest of her butterscotch candy back in her secret stash. 

They all suddenly hear the girls in the other rooms say good night to Ms. Pi meaning it's time for roll call. They all get up in time just before Ms. Pi arrives. Bun Ok stands by the door, glaring at the girls. After taking a couple of glances, she is about to take her leave until she suddenly stops.


"Yes, ma'am!" Hana jumps a bit from her name being called.

"...Is something wrong? You seem about upset something." Ms. Pi asks 

"N-no..." Hana answers but the look she gets from the older woman, makes her give in. She nervously glances at the others before looking back at Ms. Pi. "...My boyfriend is going back to Germany soon." She answers, making her roommates give her shocked looks.

"...Don't focus on him. Just focus on studying and passing your exam. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." Hana answers, sadly.

Ms. Pi nods before taking her leave. 

"Say goodnight." Jeongmin tells her dormmates.

"Goodnight, ma'am."

After Ms. Pi and Bun Ok leave, Hana goes to close the door and looks back at the girls who look to her for an explanation.

"Hana... What do you mean Soo-ho is going back to Germany?" Young Ro asks in a shaky tone.

"Umm... There's a chance that we might not see Soo-ho again. He's likely going back to Germany for about three to four years. He wanted me to tell you all he's sorry that couldn't say goodbye." Hana sadly informs her friends.

"...WHAT?!" Hye Ryung screams.

"Oppa's leaving?!" Seol Hui asks almost on the verge of tears.

"Why didn't he tell us this before?!" Jeongmin asks in an angry tone.

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