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"Drop your guns!" Soo-ho shouts the agents, still holding onto Young Ro with his gun pointed at her head

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"Drop your guns!" Soo-ho shouts the agents, still holding onto Young Ro with his gun pointed at her head.

"Lim Soo-ho. You're surrounded." The leader tells him.

When they refuse to put down their weapons, he fires his gun towards the ceiling making the girls scream once again.

"I'll shoot her." Soo-ho threatens him.

"Roro!" Hana tries go down the stairs but is held back by one of the other girls.

"Stay back!" The leader tells his people, spreading his arms out. He then tells one of his men from upstairs to come down. "Stay away! The students will get hurt!" He pushes his people back, trying to keep the situation calm. He then looks at a frightened Young Ro. "Hey, it's alright. Don't be scared. It's all right."

The ANSP agents back up as Soo-ho points his gun at them. The leader then sees a sniper aiming Soo-ho, leading him to believe it's one of his men.

"Drop the guns. Do it in three seconds, or she's dead." He demands, putting the gun back to Young Ro's head. "One... Two..."

Kyung Ja suddenly begins screaming and runs upstairs into Hana's arms.

"Kyung Ja, calm down. It's going to be okay." Hana soothes the girl while trying to remain calm herself.

"Lim Soo-ho." The leader tries to warn Soo-ho, but he refuses to listen.


The shot is fired at not Soo-ho but at the ANSP leader as he protects the female agent. The sniper removes his mask, revealing to be Gyeok-chan.

"Comrade!" The spy next to Gyeok-chan informs his leader of their arrival.

Soo-ho signals for them to start shooting as he drags Young Ro into one of the rooms. All the girls begin screaming, all running into different directions trying to get away from the gunfire.

Jeongmin tries helping Hye Ryung up the stairs, but they are both pinned down by the gunfire.

"Hye Ryung! Jeongmin!" Hana screams, trying to go to them but is held down by one of the other girls.

"Hana, you have to stay here!" The older girl shouts, holding onto her.

"STOP SHOOTING! STOP!" Hana screams at them.

Somehow able to hear Hana's desperate cries despite all the gunfire, the ANSP leader looks from behind his cover seeing Jeongmin and Hye Ryung holding onto each other on the stairs as they are pinned down by the gunfire and Hana above them desperately crying for everyone to stop shooting.

"HOLD FIRE! HOLD FIRE! HOLD FIRE, YOU IDIOTS!" He shouts, ordering his people to stand down.

Once the shooting stops, Hana gets out of the older girl's grip and quickly goes down to Hye Ryung and Jeongmin.

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