character Aesthetics

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PriyadharshiniB514 Savyasachi Arjun ( Prince of Hastinapur, second Pandava, blessing of lord Indra , valour, a perfect warrior and loves his family a lot)

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PriyadharshiniB514 Savyasachi Arjun
( Prince of Hastinapur, second Pandava, blessing of lord Indra , valour, a perfect warrior and loves his family a lot)

" My family is my life ,my everything and my madhav is my soul"


Drupadnandini17 Yagyaseni Draupadi( Princess of panchal, daughter of drupad , very kind , most beautiful maiden in whole aryavarth, fierce yet calm

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Drupadnandini17 Yagyaseni Draupadi
( Princess of panchal, daughter of drupad , very kind , most beautiful maiden in whole aryavarth, fierce yet calm... her family loves her dearly)

"Pure love will get only by acceptance...not by forcing or snatching"


Members of Hastinapur palace

Maharani kunti
portrayed by Shafaq naaz
( Wife of late king pandu, mother of Pandavas , queen of Hastinapur, a kind, lovely mother)

ashwineya sahadev, ashwineya Nakul and vasusena karn
Portrayed by lavanya Bhardwaj, vin Rana and Aham Sharma respectively

( Other Pandavas..., lord ashwini Devas ,and lord Sun respectively, Arjun's brothers)

Vasudeva sri krishna
portrayed by saurabh Raj Jain
( King of dwarka , avtar of lord Narayana and no need of description...he is everywhere... )

Dhuryodhan ,dushassan and other Kauravas
portrayed by Arpit Ranka, nirbhay Wadhwa and others
( sons of maharaj dhritrashtra and maharani Gandhari,Hates Pandavas, doesn't let go a chance to separate them)

King dhritrashtra and queen Gandhari
portrayed by Anoop singh and Riya Deepsi
( King and Queen of Hastinapur, Gandhari loves Pandavas as her own sons bit ,dhritrashtra too likes them but it comes to throne...he wanted dhuryodhan to be the king after him)

Princess Dussala
Portrayed by chahat Pandey
( Sister of Kauravas and Pandavas..only princess of hastinapur.. talkative and lovely..treats everyone equally)

Members of panchal palace

King drupad
portrayed by Sudesh berry
( King of panchal, loves his children a lot , father of shikhandini, draupadi and drishtadyumn

Rajkumar Drishtadyumn
portrayed by karan suchak
( Crown prince of panchal, maharaj Draupad's son ,loves his country and family..twin of draupadi)

Rajkumari shikhandini
portrayed by Shikha Singh
( Daughter of maharaj Draupad , elder sister of draupadi and drishtadyumn.., courageous,will do anything for the country..)

Rest of the cast will be introduced later
....... .......................................................................
How's the cast...
So I'll start this book after completing my ardi story" Destiny Dhananjay ki Draupadi.."
So that means you all have to wait.....

And the credit of this beautiful Aesthetics of Arjun goes to our cutiepienehal428

Do visit her graphic shops for amazing Aesthetics....

And draupadi aesthetics by me...

Till then,

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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