11 : To pacify...

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" Draupadi" arjun called her in a low voice as he saw her sitting on the ground without any emotions on her flawless face...

" Why ?" draupadi asked in a low voice, raising her lotus eyes and glanced at him with tears in her eyes...

" Draupadi it was necessary to sav..." Arjun was about to continue, draupadi furiously got up from the ground and yelled at arjun..
" Is this your kshatriya Dharma Rajkumar..? marrying a maiden without her consent..huh?!"

" Draupadi please listen to me once.." arjun pleaded and about to move towards her, draupadi took a step back and showed her palm , indicating him to not come near her...

" No.. ..don't you dare to come near me..." Yagyaseni's eyes ignited with the sparks of anger...hot tears streamed down from her eyes , like hot lava flowing down from volcanoes....for her, now the greatest archer of aryavarth, is a traitor...

" But please... listen to me once" Arjun again pleaded, just to appease her... but to his surprise, instead of lashing out, she gazed at him with a hurtful expression ...

" Rajkumar Arjun..why you did this to me? Moreover,can you please tell me what such inevitable circumstances came,that made you decide to marry me? Why everybody is playing with my life.."
Yagyaseni broke down infront of arjun as fresh tears started rolling down from  her eyes... her question pierced Arjun's heart ,as if someone had shot an arrow on his chest...

" Putri draupadi... Please give us a chance to explain.." draupadi's head turned to the direction from where she heard that sound...she saw the chief sage of Vamana clan standing infront of her with a sad face... draupadi's vision got blurred with tears...

"Rishivar..who are you ? Do you know what happened with me?if yes then tell me.. please tell me why I'm married to Rajkumar Arjun... why?" Draupadi joined her hands and  asked in a weary voice..That old sage smiled softly at her...

" Putri..I don't know whether you believe in it or not ...but you have to listen carefully whatever I'm going to say....may be you won't believe but that is what exactly happened here" by saying so that chief sage explained each and every thing to draupadi...

Arjun looked at draupadi subtly as her eyes widened and expressions got changed by each passing second, hearing that truth from chief sage..arjun saw tears gliding down from her cheeks and she keeps staring amusingly at the chief sage of Vamana clan...

" That means..he..he.. saved me..." draupadi managed to ask as her breathe hitched and voice halted upon hearing the fact that her life is a gift, a sacrifice..that old immortal sage nodded in agreement and a draupadi gazed gratefully at Arjun...

Arjun passed a nervous smile as she came near him... draupadi,with teary eyes was about to touch Arjun's feet ,arjun immediately retreated back and held her shoulders, making her stand up... She felt goosebumps all over her body when his cold hands touched her shoulders...

" Rajkumar..I ... I really don't know what to say..I.. thank you." draupadi joined her hands infront of him and arjun nodded in no..

" No need to say thankyou devi draupadi... afterall it's my responsibility and I promised mamisree that I'll take care of you and I'll protect you...and I fulfilled my promise.. I'm happy" arjun said with a small smile dancing on his lips and draupadi nodded in agreement...
They both turned towards the sages..both took blessings from  them...just then, chaluka made them remember that only arjun had garlanded draupadi...
So, according to rituals, chaluka enjoined draupadi to garland arjun too and without any other options left, draupadi garlanded arjun without any  emotions evident on her face...

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