1:The War Begins

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The clashing sounds of swords can be heard from far away....The galloping of horses and trumpet of elephants can be heard from outside....roars of soldiers in pain and anger made the Atmosphere ,an uncomfortable one.....

Lying on the bed inside her locked chamber, Panchali,the princess of panchal got distressed....her country..... her beloved father , brother and sister is fighting for their mother country and she is locked inside her chamber..she too is a warrior but her valour was closed inside the four walls of her chamber.... Panchali closed her eyes in agony ...

it has been 1 year since she appeared from the holy fire ..... none of them had seen her except members in palace and vasudeva krishna, king of dwarka... even the subjects of panchal had know only one thing that they have a fire born princess Panchali, the twin of prince drishtadyumn....
everything was fine and serene hours before....she was happily chatting and playing with her new friend Malini ,but suddenly she heard the sounds of conches blowing and suddenly her sister shikhandini locked her inside her chamber.... now it has been hours and it was almost midnight...the war is still going on...she didn't know with whom they are fighting with ...but she only knew that it's not a common fight...it's a war !!!!

Panchali slowly got down from the bed.....her long black tresses touching her knees was opened ....the curls on the two sides of face ,danced in wind...her lotus eyes carried pain and strokes of tears adorned her soft cheeks....her juicy pink lips was a sight to behold...is now shivering....

She , Panchali,the epitome of beauty,looked perfect and flawless even without any jewelry or makeup ,still emitted shine and glow from her own body, slowly walked towards the window to take a look at the scenerio happening outside....

" Rajkumari..." She abruptly stopped hearing the sound from behind....she looked behind to saw her waiting maid standing there bowing her head down...

" Rajkumari... Rajkumari shikhandini has strictly ordered me to make sure that you won't go to doors or windows to look at or to open...." her daasi said , Panchali looked at her in a confusing expression..

" Why ? And with whom they are fighting with?" Panchali asked innocently while closing the curtains of her grand window...

" It's the army of King jarasandh rajkumari" the maid replied leaving Panchali confused

" Who is jarasandh? Why is he attacking us?" She asked sitting on the bed

" I don't know the reason rajkumari... But I know this much that he is very dangerous and if he wants anything ,he will attain it by any cost..I just pray that he don't see you " the daasi said and Panchali worriedly looked at her....

Here at the battlefield ,
Jarasandh has already captivated the king of Panchal, maharaj drupad...

Jarasandh made drupad surrender by arresting him....
" Where is your daughter yagyaseni...I've heard that she is so beautiful that even apsaras from heavens will get jealous on her.....get her marry to me... then I'll leave your country and you " jarasandh said with a smirk

" No..never I'll ...I'll never get my daughter marry to you....even if you kill me...I'll never..." Drupad said with rage

Jarasandh came forward and was about to slap drupad ..he saw a shadow near the window on the top floor of the palace.....

Jarasandh ordered his soldiers to surround palace and captivate all women inside the palace... drupad who had heard it shouted....
" Run putri....run for your life....for your pithasree's sake...run "

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