3 : Rejection And Rejoice

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Vrinda walked carefully through the forest while pachali kept walking behind her..she seemed a bit tired but she managed to walk steadily...

" And by the way I forgot to introduce myself... I'm vrinda... these are my friends Priyamvada and nalini.." Vrinda said breaking the silence...
Panchali smiled at them and greeted them..

Vrinda led Panchali to their house ...Panchali felt embarrassed as everybody in the street was watching her , parting away their lips in amusement....they never saw such a beauty infront of them...

Finally ,they reached infront of a small ,but grand house....it had a small courtyard with various plants and a small fountain filled with white lotuses at the centre....Panchali could hear the chirping of birds and saw white pegions having grains ....her heart felt calm and relaxed....
She started to admire the whole surroundings...she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply .. the soothing fragrance of flowers made her heart flutter in ecstasy....for a moment, Panchali forgot her worries and agonies and it vanished into thin air ....
Her little moments got broke when someone called her by shaking her shoulders... Panchali opened her eyes and saw a man of almost early 50s standing infront of her with a small smile..vrinda stood beside him with a wide smile...

" Draupadi jiji...meet my father... sarwanand..the court musician of Shurasena kingdom.." she heard vrinda telling her...

" Pranipaat" she greeted folding her bands...

" Pranipaat.." he greeted back...

"Come inside putri...first have something ...you look so tired..go and get fresh up... vrinda.. help her... "
sarwanand said and then turned towards Panchali...

"don't hesitate to ask for anything putri ...me and my daughter is there to help you..vrinda said everything about you.. Don't feel lonely..we all are there for you putri"sarwanand said softly...
The way him addressed her putri made her remember her father , drupad...tears clouded in her eyes..
Vrinda noticed this and held her shoulders

" What happened jiji?" She asked out of concern

" Nothing..just thought about my father" she said, wiping her tears off...
Vrinda smiled and led her inside the house along with Priyamvada and nalini..


Panchali got a relaxing bath after long hours of travel... bathing with turmeric made her feel another level of coolness and freshness.... Panchali looked at the mirror to find herself glowing...

Vrinda made Panchali sit infront of a small mirror...Panchali wore a simple light pink saree with shades of red...
Her beautiful soft silky hair was tamed and adorned with beautiful mogra flowers ...her beautiful lotus eyes stroked with kohl...
She wore minimum jewelleries but Panchali is still glowing... her body carried the radiance of fire....

" Wow ...you look divine..." Priyamvada commented... Panchali smiled a little...

" Yes indeed...I never saw such a beauty in the whole Shurasena..." Vrinda commented while putting a small dot behind her ears with kohl...

Vrinda bought food and water for draupadi and she ,like a little child, started to eat fruits and laddus that she bought...after filling her stomach to the enough, draupadi took vrinda's both hands in hers ...
" thankyou so much vrinda ...I'm always grateful to you...You gave me food ,clothes ..I won't forget you..never in my life...now...I...I.. should.. leave..." Draupadi said reluctantly...and vrinda's eyes widened...

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