21 : Yagyaseni's Wrath

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The dazzling universal star sprawled its brilliant beams over the city of Hastinapur, bestowing a splendid atmosphere...
Karn ,the eldest son of queen kunti got ready to depart for a visit in the millitary camp on the south western frontiers as behested by the king...
Kunti kept fast and arranged for an evening veneration in  palace temple for her son's victorious return inspite of her deteriorating health...

While one side of the palace witnessed warmth and affection of a mother,the other side of the palace witnessed the vengeance and conspiration of a youth...
Dhuryodhan paced through his chamber in agitation... his brothers Dushassan and chitrasen had already departed to the western borders of the country to welcome their 'special guests'... tightness upsurged into his tempestuous heart.. yet, he wasn't ready to lose heart...

But, at the next moment, thwarting his presumptions, he heard the galloping of horses from the gate way of the palace... dhuryodhan Swiftly moved towards the balcony and perceived Arjun along with twins entering the palace, preceding the palanquin... dhuryodhan banged harshly on the rails of balcony and groaned, expliciting his vexation...His felt his whole plan was demolishing...

Arjun corrugated his brows in perplexity upon beholding the steeds and troops of armed swordsman mobilized at the palace courtyard and karn giving guidance to them...

"would you mind informing me what happened, jyesht Bhrata.."
Arjun interrogated to karn as soon as he unmounted the horse..karn stood soberly glancing at arjun and divulged

"There is nothing to worry dear brother..I had been acquainted by his majesty that our south Western frontiers are in crisis... He had entrusted me with the mission to go and have a check on the millitary camp there..."
Karn apprised him and it doesn't take much time for Arjun to reply..

" Let me also accompany you jyesht Bhrata...just wait"
By saying so, Arjun immediately ran inside the palace and draupadi along with dushala descended from the palanquin...karn took a momentary glance of draupadi and twitched the corner of his lips to flash a slight smile at her... draupadi reciprocated it with great esteem..

Arjun went inside the palace temple and found kunti preparing for her veneration.. Arjun seeked his mother's permission to accompany his brother.
Without any other objections,she granted the permission...

"Oh ! Lord rudra, be always with my sons and bless them"
As soon as Arjun reached in the courtyard , Kunti muttered while conferring blessings to her sons..both her son's wholeheartedly smiled at kunti...priyamvada, kunti's personal maid, passed an aarti thali to kunti...
She did aarti to both her sons...

"Return safely putra...I'm waiting for you both...may lord rudra always bless you..."
Kunti invoked god's favor on her sons once again and sighed... draupadi stood beside kunti , gawking at arjun  who gleamed like a piece of moon on earth in his silver armour...

"Grant your permission to depart from here Mata...Till then take care of yourself...we'll return soon"
Arjun said with slight smile to which kunti racked her fingers through his luscious locks...
Arjun glanced at draupadi and blinked his eyes as a cue to take care of his herself and his mother...draupadi, as his better half, easily comprehended the context of his glance...

Arjun once again did a momentary glance of his wife before mounting his horse...his heart unusually palpitated as if forboding something...he once again turned his head to take a glance of his family and rode away with a heavy heart...


Sun sprawled scarlet shades on the azure and sluggishly dissolved behind horizons... The birds twittered and flitted to the west to reach their nests before darkness overcast the cottony soft clouds...
The evening veneration has already commenced....
The rich fragrance of flowers mixed with incense sticks welcomed Draupadi as soon as she entered the palace temple with a small garland made of bael leaves...she found her seat beside priyamvada and offered the garland to deity...she refined the surroundings by singing mrityunjay mantra in her besotting voice...
Kunti finally got up completing her evening prayers but briskly grasped priyamvada's hand as she felt dizziness...

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