19 : The Celebration Of Love

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" what ? Arjun got married?"
A soft yet firm feminine voice reverberated on the walls of Rukmini's chamber...

On hearing Rukmini's baffled voice, Draupadi's Brownish orbs casted over the feminine figure infront of her and intensily observed her in awe...
The elegency she carried in her walks and talks harmonized perfectly with krishna's grace...Her midnight blue orbs were like a deep ocean, which carried the capability to drown a person into it, in a jiffy...Her peacock blue lehenga complimented her golden complexion and enriched her flawless charm...

Satyabhama, the second queen of Dwarka and the enchantress of Krishna's heart stood at the door step of queen Rukmini's chamber, keeping her thin lips agape in astonishment...Her blue orbs twinkled in curiousity upon beholding the exquisite wench, standing beside her husband and co wife...
Rukmini heaved a sigh, discerning that it's none other than satya...

" Jiji...Are you serious? don't crack jokes please...if he had got married, then this whole Aryavarth would have celebrated it.. afterall he is the most celebrated prince of Hastinapur..."
Satya stated her thoughts, succeeding with a loud laugh while stepping into the chamber...

"By the way,who is she swami...?she looks like a celestial maiden descended directly from heavens...an epitome of exquisity... dazzling and elegant"
As Satyabhama's eyes got hypnotized by the unknown alluring figure , she couldn't keep back her curiousity and excitement to know the identity of the beauty infront of her...
But at the next second, krishna noticed the glow on satya's face diminishing...

" Swami... did you bring her here? Tell me who she actually is? May I know what relationship you share with her?"
She sounded grave and the reason for her graveness was immediately grasped by her husband...he subtly observed her changing expressions...

" Satya ... please calm yourself down and listen to me carefully..."
Krishna's voice attracted the attention of satya...she keenly paid attention to her husband and what he said made her pupil dilate..

" What?! Princess of panchal?.the fire born yagyaseni??! I can't believe my eyes swami...finally your sakhi is here... welcome dear..."
Satya almost squeaked out in ecstasy after she learnt the actual identity of the damsel infront of her...The glow which got deprivated minutes ago , reverted to her face instantly in the form of a smile...
She immediately wrapped her arms around draupadi and embraced her out of mirth... draupadi also reciprocated her love and delightment through her hug...

"Satya...please keep back your excitement dear...it may adversely affect her...look, draupadi isn't here as the princess of panchal,but as the courtesan of Hastinapur....as Arjun's wife..."
Rukmini said calmly which raised the quests of suspicion inside satyabhama...

" Arjun's wife ? courtesan of Hastinapur? I can't comprehend the connotation of your words jiji..."
Satya yet again got puzzled by Rukmini's words, but this time her question got its answers from the king of Dwarka himself...he explained each and everything happened at the deep illusionary woods of Shurasena...He also didn't forget to reminiscence satya that, draupadi introduced herself to arjun as a common courtesan of panchal palace...Satya gazed at draupadi with affection and agreed to play along with them...

" All hail the king !The second Prince of Hastinapur is here according to your solicit"
Draupadi's heart frantically palpitated inside when a maid informed them that arjun is arriving into the chamber as per Krishna's implore...

" Madhav ...what happened ? what's the matter...why did you..."
As soon as arjun set his foot inside the chamber ,he asked but immediately faltered on his words beholding draupadi standing along with krishna, Rukmini and satyabhama...he felt his legs getting inert , hindering him to move forward...

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