36 : The vows

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The grandeur goblet  brimming with the red wine ,touched the floor succeeding by a loud chime as karn hurled it..his orbs combusted with wrath and he roared like a wounded lion..His disarrayed room screamed the intensity of his rage and his legs strived to preserve the balance as he got severely inebriated.. dhuryodhan,who was the sole witness to karn's insanity, smirked..his heart coveted to guffaw loudly..The ecstasy he felt inside was ineffable.. Kauravakumar dhuryodhan marked today as the day of his triumph.. The day which he victoriously accomplished his endeavour to disrupt the relationship between karn and Arjun..

" Bhrata karn..what is this? Please restrain yourself"
Curbing his bubbling happiness, dhuryodhan falsely appeased him..The bestial smirk that never left his lips , unfortunately didn't get discover by karn..

" How can I..my own brother dishonoured the woman I love and you are suggesting me to restrain myself?"
Karn clamoured making Dhuryodhan's smirk wide..tears dripped from his scarlet tipsy eyeballs..

"  I anticipated this.. that's why I suggested you to keep Arjun apart from her.. draupadi is a pious and meek maiden ,so it's obvious that anyone will fall in love with her..but here, the disgraceful fact is that your brother literally forced himself upon her "
Dhuryodhan spurt his virulent words , enkindling the rage inside karn..he balled up his fingers to form a fist..His pale knuckles give a blow on the wall beside , agonising himself..

"Bhrata karn.. please restrain your wrath..i can comprehend your Agony.. deception,that too from the person whom we loves the most is tortuous "
Dhuryodhan poured more fuel into the blazing flame.. dhuryodhan's each word felt like sabres to karn..it perforated his heart and incised him mercilessly..

" But Do you believe that it's pertinent to endure this just because you love your brother? No bhrata karn..Think about yourself ,your love..don't you desire to live a life that you hanker for? Indeed you do.. I'm aware of that than anyone else..so , finally it's time to establish a life of your own , a life you desire for..never Iet in anyone..I repeat, any one to capture what you desire..I expect that you comprehended what I said..take care bhrata ..let me take my leave.."
Dhuryodhan concluded with a vicious smirk , grasping karn's shoulder.. And unbeknown to dhuryodhan's venomous objectives, karn assented his heart to credit and adopt dhuryodhan's words..

" Never dhuryodhan..As you suggested, I'll never let anyone seperate draupadi from me..In the name of God, I'm vowing to you draupadi that I won't let anything or anyone in this world to snatch you away from me"
Karn soliloquied..Sizzling tears permeated from karn's orbs as soon as dhuryodhan left the chamber..he glanced at the dark infinite sky and enclosed his eyes, reminiscing the smiling countenance of draupadi..


A mellow drizzle along with a Clement Zephyr mollified the mother Earth..
Draupadi paced on the tuft in Arjun's private garden, anticipating his arrival..the hem of her red odhni touched the damp green grasses and gentle zyhper rocked her damp locks..The pearls of water over her pulchritudinous visage gleamed under the Twilight of blazing fire lamps..
In the same way as the drizzle showered ,Today she'll pour out her insecurities to him and will alleviate her aching heart..the warmth of his embrace and the credibility in his words was her only solace..as her govind said,now only her Arjun could tranquilize her agitated heart..
Amidst the thoughts , she felt a warm arm gyrating her petite waist from behind..He gently hauled her towards himself, causing her frigid frame touch his robust torso.. his warm lips brushed over her buttery shoulders..For a jiffy, draupadi,the beloved of savyasachi,got thawed in the warmth of his love..but , ultimately she is yagyaseni, the fireborn..
She immediately liberated herself from his clasp and glanced at him..A glance which made Arjun wonderstruck..he witnessed wrath and agony simultaneously sparking in her orbs..

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