24 : Longings

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Arjun strolled through the corridor, deeply submerged in the plannings for his upcoming war...Be it in Archery or at planning war Strategies, his level of concentration and dedication were unparalleled... notwithstanding the war Strategies are calculated together by the princes and commander in general, savyasachi had his own tatics and plannings in his quiver, along with sharp darts to vanquish his enemies...

While pacing back to his chamber, sinking immensely in his own thoughts, he got collided with someone succeeding with a shrilling voice of the large plate touching on the floors...he saw chromatic fresh flowers scattered across the floor and a maiden kneeling down to pick it up..his gaze got softened as soon as he recognised the person...

" I earnestly apologise for the carelessness ,his royal highness..."
He heard his beloved murmuring in a low voice, while picking up the flowers...From her words, he immediately comprehended that she didn't paid much attention to the person who was standing infront of her...

"I accept your apology ..but before that won't you take a glance of me..."
Draupadi's face bloomed with delight, heeding to his rich, deep voice..her lips slightly twitched up , forming an ethereal smile which always enamoured Arjun...

" Arya putra..I thought it may be his majesty or  any other princes..i apologize if I hurt you..."
Her solicituded words reverberated in his ears...he glanced her with his anguish filled Hazels...her presence is making hard for him to depart... He found difficulty in divulging about his departure and got befuddled regarding it...

After observing and assuring that no servants and soldiers around , Arjun grasped her soft palms and guided her towards the reading chamber adjacent to the corridor... draupadi got biwildered by his sudden action and was about to ask something,arjun slammed the door of the chamber and enclosed her mouth with his palm... draupadi closed her eyelids, feeling the warmth of his palms...

Arjun's nostrils got enthralled by her natural blue Lotus fragrance...he edged closer to her and inhaled a long deep breath making yagyaseni shudder...he delicately removed his palms from her lips and fondled her cushiony cheeks, transmitting chills down through her senses...she slowly uplifted her eyelids and glanced at arjun, who was already glancing at her endearingly without even winking his eyes...

" Arya putra Arjun...let me take my leave.. someone may see us together.."
She whispered slowly out of anxiousness but Arjun was submerged in another world..he observed how her black brownish orbs  blinked erattically out of anxiousness...he awfully gazed how her pink lips were touching each other delicately to form words...And that mere sight incited his inner self to ingest her lips like a bee sucking nectar...But he bridled his senses and continued...

"Shh.. draupadi relax...i promise that nobody will come at this hours here and listen to me very carefully... I've an important information to share with you"
draupadi inquisitively gazed at him and heaving a sigh , arjun divulged..

" Do you reminiscence the words I said on the next day when we came here.."
He asked gazing directly into her orbs and draupadi reminiscenced his words... But before she could answer,he continued...

"I told you that sometimes such situation will also come when I won't be there for you ,always to protect you...you do remember it, don't you...?"
Arjun said composing himself and draupadi nodded...by this, she almost comprehended the context of his upcoming words...he have to go away from her !!!

" And that day has approached draupadi.. I've to depart for Kashi to help the kingdom in an important war tomorrow ..."
Arjun completed and glanced at draupadi...she said nothing but just stared into his Hazels...he perceived drops of tears permeating from her brownish orbs... she kept staring at him without saying a word, letting her salty tears cascade down...

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