26 : My Ardhangini

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The effulgent silver sphere gleamed above the star studded sky and radiated the soothing beams to the earth, kissing each and every object of nature, conferring an inexplicable exquisity to the them...
Nakul guided draupadi through the bleak corridors, helping her to reach the place where Arjun was anticipating for her arrival... draupadi's heart throbbed hastily upon each step she took forward and her fingers continuously fidgeted at the hem of her odhni, Squeezing out her enthusiasm and nervousness explicitly...it's obviously not the first time they are going to meet furtively, But today, draupadi felt like a new chapter of her life is going to commence...

" Bhabhi sree..Bhrata implored me to drop you here ..now it's your time..let me take my leave..."
After walking for a while, nakul finally halted infront of a meadow and said to draupadi with a mischievous smile dancing on his lips...

She nodded positively and watched nakul disappearing into the darkness...now, she is all alone in that anonymous place...but for draupadi, the place seemed too familiar... She again walked forward and found a silvery swing dangling on the corner of the garden and it doesn't took much time for yagyaseni to comprehend the Destination...Arjun's private garden...A soothing smile graced her lips as soon as a mitigating gust fondled her frame...
She enclosed her lotus eyes in mirth, enjoying the freshness of atmosphere... suddenly, she felt two cold palms enveloping her eyes from behind...her smile widened...

Draupadi muttered in a low voice, and heard Arjun's soothing yet loud laugh from behind.. draupadi rumpled her brows and pivoted on her heels to face him, removing his hands from her eyes ...
She saw her charming husband standing infront of her carrying a non withering smile on his lips, looking dashing in his purple ang vastra and signature white dhoti...
She naively glanced at her laughing husband, unable to comprehend the context of his laugh with widened eyes and this made Arjun laugh more...

"may i know , how come you got the idea that the owner of these hands are me?"
Arjun quipped back , daubing hues of blush on yagyaseni 's cheeks...

"Oh...that..I recognised your..touch.."
Draupadi said while striving hard to bridle her bubbling coy...
Arjun again laughed beholding her attractive visage glowing under the radiance of moon and that's the moment when Arjun observed his alluring wife subtly...

Her midnight blue black locks that cascaded down swayed delicately by the breeze ...her hair partition which adorned with the scarlet vermillion ,had a special glow even without being embellished with hair accessories...her petite frame which was perfectly enveloped in the off white lehenga made her look like a sparkling star on the black sky...the glow on the jewelleries she wore, got diminished infront of the aura and radiance that emitted from body naturally...For Arjun, she felt like an exquisite dream...
Arjun advanced closer to his wife, hiking both her breathe rate and heart beat simultaneously...he stood closer to his wife , inhaling her lotus fragrance and leaned forward...

" you look so beautiful and divine today that my inner self yearns to worship you like a goddess .."
He whispered sensually into her ears, transmitting chills through her nerves.. Involuntarily, her eyelids closed and toes curled up ,when his erratic hot breathe graced her earlobes...

Arjun traced his fingers through the contours of her perfect visage and glanced at the downcast eyes of draupadi...
She slowly uplifted her eyelids and fused her gaze deeply with his hazels...For a second, Arjun got immersed in her gaze which spoke a million of stories to him...But suddenly, he reminiscenced something and delicately enveloped her hand inside his palm...

"I think we have ample time to gaze into each other's orbs...but now, it's the time to reach our destination.."
Arjun again whispered making her more enthusiastic and excited...

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