16 : Blooming Feelings

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Draupadi indignantly paced through the desolated corridor, aiming dussala's chamber...she balled her fists in wrath as she felt like his wanton gaze was still lingering around her...

draupadi halted at her tracks when she heard Arjun's solicituded voice from behind... Yagyaseni felt the anger which was burning inside her, getting evaporated into the thin air...
She pivoted on her heels and looked at arjun,who stood behind her with a strained face...

" Are you okay? "
arjun enquired softly, even though his jittery was clearly audible in his voice...He knows that she must have felt uneasiness as it is precisely visible on her face...
But , Draupadi nodded slightly in a positive way which lessened Arjun's tension...

"Pardon me draupadi, for not saying  anything about him before... I apologize you for his uncouth demeanour and  also for not being there, before he could say something to you..."
Arjun earnestly apologized for dhuryodhan's inappropriate demeanour and that melted her heart like a sheer butter...

" No..you don't have to ask apology...it's not your mistake... It's true that I felt uneasiness with the way he looked at me...but when you came there for me,my whole insecurities got washed away..."
Draupadi replied politely , but somewhere, deep down in her heart, she felt incisive by his formality...she is his wife and he don't need to ask apology for his brother's mistake...

"Draupadi...I know my cousin...he isn't much good in his demeanor towards others...Don't worry...you won't have to go through such circumstances from hereafter...I promise you... it's my promise and my responsibility too..."
Arjun said with self reliance, which poured the sense of safety inside yagyaseni...she passed a small smile of satisfaction but Arjun continued

" But, don't think that this is the ending..its just a beginning... so be prepared...I'm foreboding you because I know him and his vicious plannings...so be careful and alert always... Because certain situations will also come where I may not be there with you...so stay strong even if I wasn't with you and I know you will"
Arjun said as his eyes carried the glint of admiration as well as pride...

" Do you have that much faith in me ?"
draupadi sounded surprised as well as happy...

"Nobody who isn't strong enough can't  travel through the most dangerous woods of panchal alone,that too at midnight..if you had done it, then indeed you are strong ...your mental strength is worth appreciatable.."
Arjun complimented and a full smile spreaded on her alluring lips...she felt pleased inside... unlike others, her husband didn't underestimated her as dependent and feeble...he didn't find her vulnerable.. instead,he found her strong .... strong enough to fight against the perils of life alone ,if needed...

While Draupadi was Drowning in her own thoughts, she failed to notice the intense glance of those pair of Hazels casted on her, which was adoring her...And Savyasachi's eyes found averting their gaze as a difficult process, from the most beautiful sight in front of them....

But her lotus eyes were smart enough to recognise the magnetic power of his Hazels and on the spur of the moment, they intertwined their gaze, which enkindled the spark they carried inside for each other...
Draupadi lowered her eyelids as his intense gaze made her inner self blush...She twitched her lips to form her most beautiful enchanting smile which maddened Arjun...
Draupadi, on the other hand was well aware of her surroundings....she looked around to find some maids and soldiers passing...

" It's getting late... I think I should leave..if somebody caught us together, it will spill suspicion among the maids and courtesans...will meet you later Rajkumar..."
Draupadi said in a low voice, trying hard to quell her blush and her voice hauled Arjun back into reality...
Without wasting time, She walked away from him... And his gaze lingered on the retreating figure of the most beautiful creation of God, according to him,  with a small smile on his lips...

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