7 : Lost!!!

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" Maaya van?!" Nakul and arjun asked in unison,which echoed the whole forest....

" Yes..maaya van ..the illusionary forests where yakshas and Gandharvas resides .." vrinda said with curiosity as if she had opened up a secret chest filled with treasure,in front of them which was buried deep inside her....

" Do yaksha and Gandharvas resides on earth?"Nakul asked out of curiosity...

" Yes Rajkumar..years before, the forefather of our king had given refuge to the cursed Gandharvas who were thrown out of heaven...he gave a small part of his kingdom for them on a promise that his subjects never disturb them when they were in the forest and they also..." Vrinda opened up the secret of those forests before them which filled curiousity in their minds....

" So are they there now? that means no humans resides there right ? " Nakul impatiently questioned ...
From the moment his fell upon the woods, nakul's inner self pushed him to go and have a look on there....to know what treasure is hiding behind those woods...

" No..now they are not there...in daylight, it's a normal forest and people Can have a visit there...and the villagers will enter inside to collect forest resources...but after the sunset, nobody dared to go inside the forest...only sages of certain clan called Vamana clan was allowed to live there...and the people who went after sunset never returned!!"
Vrinda replied which ignited sparks of hopes in nakul's mind...his lips carried a broad smile after listening to vrinda...all that Nakul heard was they can go in day time....

" Scary... let's go somewhere...why are we inviting trouble which wasn't even near us.." Arjun stated his opinion, fixing his eyes on the forest ....

" Yes... Rajkumar Arjun is right.. let's go somewhere else.." draupadi supported arjun but it was too late to Nakul for decipher...he interuppted in the middle...

" Wait bhrata..what's the risk in it...look..the sun is just up on our heads ...that means,it's only noon..we have plenty of time to visit and come back... " Nakul said which made arjun frown...

" Nakul...stop being a child...I can't take risk..look we have 2 women with us to protect..they are here to help us so it's our duty to protect them.. safety comes first Nakul let's go...if it were only us ,then I wouldn't have stopped you..but look..come let's go". Arjun sounded serious..his voice carried an authoritative tone but Nakul seemed so much hypnotized with the beauty of maaya van that he didn't pay heed to his brother's words...

" Please bhrata it's only a matter of one hour...look how can we miss the chance to visit such a beautiful place in this earth...bhrata it's the place where Gandharvas resides... have you seen Gandharvas..no right.. atleast we can see their place.. please Come.." Nakul said glancing at the 3 figures standing infront of him with a confusing face...

" But Rajkumar..." Vrinda was about to continue,nakul took her hands in his and pleaded...

" Vrinda.. please don't say no..I promise I'll protect you.. we'll protect you both... please.." nakul's melting voice and pleading eyes melted vrinda ....she finally nodded...Arjun shook his head realising that it's futile to talk with him now...

" Ok..I'll take you..." Vrinda assured him and nakul smiled like a kid who got succeeded in getting his favourite toy...

" Nakul..don't go alone...we four came together and we'll go together wherever we go.." arjun said to Nakul in a firm voice...arjun took his bow in his hands and got ready to go..to face any obstacles that comes before them...

Draupadi ,whose heart was beating faster inside her chest out of thinking the worst possibilities, sighed and gazed at arjun carring a lot of questions to which it's depth was easily recognised by arjun...he slightly nodded his head signalling her to walk... although her inner self was foreboding her about the dangers hiding inside the forest,she moved forward upon seeing Arjun's face...

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