37 : The inception of Annihilation

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"Bhabhisree "
Nakul yelled out anxiously and glanced at his brother.. Arjun swiftly made her stand and nakul anxiously watched  tears permeating from his sister in law's eyes..

" May I ask if everything is fine Bhrata Arjun?"
Nakul enquired and Arjun sluggishly nodded positively..nakul on the other hand, became deeply sceptical about draupadi's Swift change in demeanor..he felt dubious about Arjun's gestures too..his brother is comforting her devoid of any reason and nakul wondered why.. 

" Nakul.. I'll be there in a few minutes.. could you please inform this to his majesty..?"
Arjun apprised and nakul wagged his head slowly and left, leaving Arjun and draupadi alone..

Arjun's soothing voice made draupadi uplift her damp eyelids and glance at him..

" Arya.. pitasree.. he's.."
Words wrestled to emerge from her throat as tears streamed from her orbs like torrent..he embraced her tightly, making her tears fuse onto his bosom..he gently fondled her tresses and assured..

" I'm here Krishnaa..his majesty of panchala will be safe..have reliance upon me and hastinapur..I'll bring your pitasree along with me to hastinapur..it's my promise..now let me take my leave"
Arjun gently wiped her tears and graced her forehead with a soft kiss , before leaving his chamber along with her.. once reaching outside Arjun's mansion, Arjun headed towards the meeting chamber and draupadi towards the palace temple..


Arjun set his foot inside the meeting chamber to witness mata kunti , vasudev krishna and grandsire bheeshm along with his brothers seated inside..But soon, making his heart squirm, his orbs caught the momentary glance of dhuryodhan seated beside his eldest..prior to the coronation,it was him who seated beside his eldest and today dhuryodhan was seated beside his brother..but he composed himself and sat beside his madhav, who glanced at him and blinked his eyes in assurance..

" As everybody is present here , let me explain the solemnity of the situation.. the rulers of almost 30 kingdoms under our empire is captivated by that tyrant jarasandh..due to political reasons and taking account of the well being of the kings, I've implored for an aid from the Kingdom of indraprastha too and auspiciously, they've acknowledged our solicit.."
Karn divulged..grandsire bheeshm nodded his head in approval and inquired..

"That's a relevant resolution dear..I would go along with that.. but would you mind telling us who is going to assist hastinapur, dear?"

" Indeed pitamah.. prince bheem of indraprastha is assisting us in this endeavour and now as the ruler of this kingdom, It is my obligation to resolve who accompanies him.."
Karn said , casting a side glance on Arjun..dhuryodhan's lips twitched to form a wicked smirk..he glanced at karn and gestured to proceed further..

"Your majesty,if you permits, can I put forward my opinion..?"
But before karn could speak, Jagat natha who has been watching all these smirked and interfered.. dhuryodhan gnawed and scornfully glanced at Krishna..Karn escalated his brows and after a jiffy of silence,he spoke

" Yes..you may proceed vasudev"
Karn permitted.. Arjun's glance fastened over his madhav, acutely heeding him..

"Taking the experience of his enumerous expeditions into consideration,I think prince Arjun is the worthiest for assisting this endeavour.. Arjun's presence epitomizes triumph and his strategies are worth appreciating.. I myself will also accompany him to provide a moral support.."
Krishna concluded affixing his gaze at dhuryodhan..his trenchant stare made dhuryodhan spooked..dhuryodhan  gestured karn to approve it and glared back at Krishna in derision..

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