5 : Knowing Each Other

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That day ,at evening,
Draupadi walked slowly through the corridor of the palace remembering how her sakha described about his 'parth' to her ,once she asked curiously about him....She smiled involuntarily remembering her Govind's words about the second son of King pandu,prince of Hastinapur,Arjun...

" Parth.... everybody knows that he is the second son of King pandu and my aunt kunti....the prince of Hastinapur...but nobody know him as much as I know...he is my everything... he resides in me and I resides in him...I love him more than anything and everything in this world...than anybody in this world..we are inseparable sakhi...like fire never leaves it's warmth, like snow never leaves it's cold ....we never left each other till now and will never get seperated....my parth is an absolute warrior with a beautiful heart..."

She always wondered if her Govind is this much divine, then how the prince , her sakha's parth would be..
And today, when she saw him, she got the same positivity and divinity she felt, when she first met her Govind..her Govind was right...he also carried the same aura and the same grace..they are absolutely same ,like both sides of one coin.... inseparable...

Draupadi smiled slightly and walked absent mindedly, sinking in her own sweet thoughts , fiddling with the pallu of her upper garment...but suddenly ,she collided with a maid and the plate which the maid was holding fell down...
Hearing the sound, draupadi came back from her reverie and sat down immediately, helping the maid to pick the flowers...

" So sorry ...I didn't see you coming.." draupadi said while helping the maid to pick flowers from the floor

" putri... where are you lost? It's the flowers for devi pooja at evening..." that maid said and looked sadly at the flowers which got crumbled due to fall...

" Don't worry ..I'll pluck another for you..." Draupadi said ,cheerfully grabbing the plate from the daasi and ran towards the palace garden...


Arjun was roaming around the palace ...he was actually enjoying the beauty of nature..and that's the reason Arjun always love to visit his uncle's kingdom..if Hastinapur is famous for its Marvel of architecture, then Shurasena is famous for the incredible beauty of nature... while walking through the palace corridors ,he saw draupadi down at the garden, plucking flowers, humming a Keerthan...
Arjun smiled to himself and wondered,how come such an extremely beautiful maiden be so polite and humble... because as far as he knows, maidens who possess such a beauty will always be imperious or proud.. Arjun felt an urge to know more about her.. Without wasting any second,he adjusted his angvastr and swiftly ran down , aiming the palace garden...

Draupadi heard unfamiliar footsteps right behind her...her ears got alerted and recognised that its coming closer to her... Her luscious locks fluttered in the air as she turned to see the person behind her and she saw a manly figure coming towards her.. his eyes gazing at her fondly...A soft smile came to her lips as she recognised the person...

" Rajkumar Arjun... here at this time ?" Draupadi whispered slowly as if only she can hear it ..

" Yes...can't I come here at this time.." but arjun said like as he read her mind... draupadi looked at him in surprise...how come he knows what she said ...

" Don't be get shocked... actually I heard what you said.." arjun said calmly and draupadi realised that her whisper wasn't a mere whisper,but it got a bit louder..she smiled sheepishly and continued her work... Arjun observed her ..

" Why are you plucking flowers? I mean I thought that you are here only as Rajkumari priya's music teacher..why are you doing all these jobs?" Arjun asked curiously...

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