33 : Always Yours

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Karn immersed deep into the pool of thoughts..The subjugation of a place using battalion is not something which can be resolved in haste..It needs the finest strategic plannings and groundwork..

" conquest? This soon, it's been only a few days since I ascended the throne dhuryodhan.."
Keeping his thoughts aside, karn questioned.. dhuryodhan nodded positively..

" Yes , indeed Bhrata..A king who ascended the throne has the authority to behest his commander in chief for a conquest.. it is essential for both you and our kingdom..Arjun is a warrior, he'll comprehend the solemnity "
Dhuryodhan reasoned while karn also felt his words has a sense..now he has commenced his reign and this is the high time that he should think about extending his kingdom..

Soon, exhaling a deep breath karn replied as if in reverie..
" Fine, that's a great decision..By this way our kingdom will also expand and I could get some moments to share with her alone.."

Dhuryodhan left karn's chamber with a smirk as his plannings are continuously hitting his target..


The grandeur court room of hastinapur witnessed the commencement of a new court session with panduputra karn being the king..post to certain consultations, chief minister vidur announced..

" Honourable ministers and noble men,
As a new king has ascended into the throne , our kingdom needs an expansion..As per our sources ,we become acquainted that some external military forces are reigning over the countries that situated on the eastern side .. hence ,the kingdom decided to proceed for a conquest under the headship of commander in chief prince Arjun , next week.."

Arjun's warrior heart abounded with delight..As a warrior,he had attained many triumphs , vanquished numerous kingdoms but , this is his maiden conquest as a commander in chief..He came forward and obeisanced infront of his brother..A wide grin adorned his countenance..

Post to the court session, dhuryodhan met Arjun outside and commented
" Hail the commander in chief of Hastinapur, Be careful, return with victory and Bring glory to the country..now it's in your hands.. prince Arjun.."

Dhuryodhan 's teeth gritted as Arjun glanced sharply into his orbs and quipped
" By almighty's grace, Hastinapur will attain glory.."

" Oh everything is almighty's grace..Then what about you Arjun? don't you have confidence in your own skills that you reliance on Almighty? "
Dhuryodhan interrogated with derision..scorn reflected in each words he spoke..

"Bhrata dhuryodhan,first enlighten yourself that skills never alone brings victory.. modesty and grace brings along with it brings victory.."
Arjun simply answered enraging dhuryodhan..but concealing it,he nodded and Arjun departed to his arsenal with high spirits, to convey this news to his Army..

" Hm..Let your almighty bring victory to you Arjun and I'll bring destruction into you and your brother's lives.."
Dhuryodhan whispered with a smirk and rage blazing inside his orbs..

The day was both hectic and jovial for Arjun as he was so much exhilarated for the conquest..But since morning itself, his Archer eyes perceived her absence.. During the evening veneration at the palace temple too, he discovered her absence and shared the same about Nakul..But their attempts to find the cause went futile..


The silvery beams of cresent moon that shone on the dark sky greeted Arjun as soon as he set his foot outside his mansion..
He slyly paced through the dark corridors aiming his beloved's chamber..Ever since she rescued queen mother kunti from the assassin attempt,she held a special place in kunti's heart and hence it resulted in conferring her a special chamber which was honestly a blessing for their furtive meetings..
His heart yearned to get a momentary glance of his princess and to state how much he missed her..He inhaled a deep breathe as he reached near her window and enthusiastically peeped inside the chamber to see only darkness..
His brows rumpled in befuddlement..The lamps were extinguished and the bed lay vacant..worst thoughts gyrated his heart..his palms and temples dampened with sweat..
To whom will he asked about his wife at the middle of the night?
Should he ask nakul ?

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