20 : Cherishing Moments

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"Accept my Greetings...Oh ! The crown prince of Hastinapur"
Draupadi joined her palms together and her lips slowly murmured...the hue on her visage had deprivated upon beholding karn's well sculptured figure advancing near her...

"Draupadi...can I know the reason for standing alone in this darkness.."
Karn inquired, gazing endearingly into draupadi's orbs...but her gaze travelled around the whole garden to catch a glimpse of her beloved husband,but she found only darkness...

" Um..hmm..I came here for some solitude.. I'm not much familiar with bustle atmosphere...so.."
Yagyaseni reluctantly divulged, fidgeting the hem of her veil...her heart was pounding in agitation...karn on the other hand, kept his black orbs fixed on her placid visage, getting lost in her enthralling exquisity...

"Pardon me if I sound offensive, but May I know the cause of your arrival..his highness? "
Draupadi enquired in the most elegant way , keeping all the etiquettes that a common men should follow while talking to the crown prince...

As her voice hauled karn back from the reverie,he cleared his throat and manifested his purpose of arrival...
"Oh yes..how can I forget.. I'm here to appreciate you for conferring such a spectacular performance...you graced our ears with your mellifluous voice...you upheld the dignity of Hastinapur today... you are stunning"

Karn appreciated her genuinely from the bottom of his heart which sprawled a gratified smile on draupadi's lips...she bowed her head in gratification but suddenly karn forestalled her...

" You don't need to follow up the formalities or etiquettes to address me...you can call me just Rajkumar just as you address my brothers.."
Karn said , making her brows arch in confound...but she nodded and smiled .. yagyaseni could feel his deep gaze at her...
A clumsy silence got formed in between them...but both were unbeknownst that they were under the surveillance of one pair of eyes..

"I think we should go inside the palace.. moonlight was overcasted by the dark clouds..I think it's going to rain"
Karn said , gawking up at the sky.. draupadi pressed her lips together and roamed her glance once again around the garden to get a glimpse of her dear husband but she found none ,not even his shadow...

" Beg your pardon Rajkumar.. My Inner self wishes to spend some more time here... You can proceed I'll join you later.. actually, I'm so fascinated by the serenity of this place"
Draupadi politely replied,once again taking karn by surprise...There at Hastinapur, maidens and princesses are making efforts to impress their princes by every possible way and here this girl is engrossed in enjoying herself rather than enchanting princes...his inner self once again assured him that the girl who's standing Infront of him is indeed a special one..

Karn couldn't do anything but just nod his head, indulging to her wish...as soon as he left,those pair of eyes too disappeared into the darkness...
As karn's figure disappeared from her sight, draupadi closed her eyes, heaving a sigh of relief...

" Rajkumar Arjun...are you there?"
Draupadi asked in a low voice, scanning the garden subtly...

" I'm here.."
Arjun said as he came out of his hiding place, flashing his pearl like teeth for a beautiful smile...

"Oh my Rudra, I was so scared.."
Draupadi sighed as soon as his figure advanced towards her hastily...He couldn't restrain his eyes from taking momentary glance of her visage which turned ruddy out of solicitude and anxiousness and Arjun found it very cute..

"Only he knows how much more time we have to conceal this truth...by the way May I know What he said to you?"
Arjun interrogated, glancing subtly at her orbs... he somehow felt a pang of envy inside him when he saw his elder brother and wife sharing a friendly convo...

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