29 : Enlightenment

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The golden medallion on the sky scintillated above the sky , permitting its shimmery rays to kiss the nature below...
Posterior to the venerations and mourning prayers, the kings of neighbouring kingdoms settled inside their alloted chambers...they are not only here to attend the last rites of  their late majesty but also to partake in the conference that will held tomorrow in the court of hastinapur regarding the coronation of crown prince karn...

Vasudev Krishna took a stroll through Arjun's private garden with his beloved parth alongside...the two eternal Krishnas were deeply engrossed in conversing about politics, jesting each other and sharing their personal happiness...
Amidst of that, Draupadi made her appearance to the garden as per kunti's behest to serve her dear nephew, a Tumbler of chilled buttermilk...
enriching the exquisity of the atmosphere, her lotus fragrance pervaded in the whole garden...
A smirk bloomed on Arjun's lips as he inhaled the aroma which always captivated his senses...
Jagat Sundar warmly welcomed his dear friend by an enthralling smile..
The three Krishnas together looked like certain divine aura that emerged from heavens and the radiance effused from their souls made even the atmosphere sanctified...The weariness that was precisely visible on her countenance got replaced by  delightment upon beholding her beloved sakha after months... Handing over him, the drink she had brought, she obeisanced and seeked for his heartfelt benedictions which wasn't usual...Manmohan got amused by her sudden gesture as a drop of tear from her orbs touched his feet...

"Hey!! Hey!!... what's this sakhi? You're becoming too emotional..may I know the reason behind my ever jovial friend to turn this much emotional today?"
Krishna amusing query made Arjun smirk subtly...

"I'm meeting you after months govind.. I know Arya must have divulged everything that happened and I want your heartfelt benedictions for a contented and joyful life ahead.."
Draupadi articulated and Krishna comprehended her words instantly...his parth and sakhi has incepted a fresh,novel phase of life and indeed they necessitates his grace...

"I could comprehend your emotion dear...but there's no need for this formality...you know a half of mine always reside in you"
Krishna added making yagyaseni smile...Arjun glanced at his Krishnaa and winked, resulting her lotus eyes get dilated and ruddiness dabing on her cheeks...by perceiving his trifling and cute gesture, Krishna couldn't bridle his laugh and let out his loud laugh blend in the atmosphere...

" Parth.. I must say... your skills in romance is ameliorating day by day..."
After striving hard to restrain his laugh, the king of dwarka jested his parth and Arjun glanced grizzly at him...

"Yes,indeed...it's all because of your grace, madhav... afterall I'm learning it all from you... you are my beloved preceptor and I'm your devoted disciple..."
Arjun quipped back, joining his hands together dramatically and this time,it was draupadi's turn to smile at those eternal friends, later on adding the duo too...

" Anyways...I'm delighted madhav..life couldn't be more jovial and beautiful than this... everything is going to be tranquil now.. jyesth bhrata will ascend on the throne... hastinapur will regain its prosperity back and afterwards we could confess about our marriage..."
Arjun said , fastening his gaze at vastness and draupadi discovered the smile that had on her govind's face was gradually vanishing...she scrutinizingly watched how his enthusiastic expressions swiftly got replaced by a grave one...

"Life isn't consisted of constant happiness and prosperity parth...it may shift as time proceeds"
Krishna stated post to a jiffy of silence...Both Arjun and draupadi glanced at Krishna in concern...

" I didn't get you there, madhav"
Arjun interrogated and Krishna smiled lightly alleviating their arising tightness to an extent...

"There's nothing to get comprehended in that, paarth...i was just enlightening you by the reality of life.. nothing is constant...may be this coronation bring prosperity and auspiciousness to hastinapur...but I don't think it will bring changes in your personal life..."
Krishna said and draupadi glanced stressfully at Arjun... Arjun's countenance also isn't telling a different story, he is also as equally strained as her...

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