23 : The Arrows Of Love

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Arjun placed his lips over her forehead and pecked her delicate skin lightly with passionate ardour, expliciting his eternal gratitude towards his wife... Draupadi closed her lotus eyes , feeling his labial warmth and uneven breathe fondling her forehead...his rough callous palms glided over her lambent shoulders , transmitting chills of pleasure  through her spines, which conferred maiden conjugal bliss to yagyaseni...he sluggishly removed the fringes of locks dancing on her forehead...Arjun smirked beholding her enchanting smile and modestly downcast eyes...

Unexpectedly, thwarting their cute little moments, draupadi saw the shade of a human advancing towards them...she immediately hauled Arjun along with her into her chamber..she made Arjun incline on to the door panel ...A panicked draupadi rose on her toes and peered outside her chamber...she discovered one of
the guards vanishing out of her sight...she drew a long deep breath out of placidity...
She swivelled her head as someone's penetrating gaze touched her Inner self... And she found Arjun glancing at her endearingly... her heart palpitated rapturously under her chest...she saw his hazels slowly deviating its gaze down towards his shoulder...her brownish orbs followed his Hazels and found her hands resting over his sculpted shoulders...she immediately withdrew her hands coyly and deviated her glance from him...

Arjun smirked , enjoying her shyness and stood straight , inching close to her , making yagyaseni's breathe hitch..she looked straight into his hazel orbs which is glinting under the blazing fire lamps...

" You may sleep now peacefully... I've got to get going..take care..."
Arjun said in his rasping voice and draupadi solicituosly glanced at him...

" But arya putra...guards are striding outside this mahal...how will you get away from here?"
She enquired in anxiety ...he shook his head , not to worry about and passed a soothing smirk...

"I'll take care of myself draupadi... don't worry...you are very much exhausted... you must have to get a full sleep...so currently, take care of yourself "
Arjun suggested , delicately stroking her cheeks before leaving her chamber..After reaching at the end of the corridor, he pivoted his head and again glanced at her smiling face before vanishing into the darkness...

Laying on her majestic bed,Draupadi snuggled her pillows and smiled , tenderly fondling on her cheeks  where moments before , Arjun lingered his fingers...
Soon,she drifted into sleep, submerging into the ocean of ecstatic dreams...


As days proceeded , two hearts became more closer to each other than earlier,unbeknownst to the royals of Hastinapur...They enjoyed their furtive meetings , stole cute momentary glances and exchanged smiles...While the fire born princess of panchal was obscure about her feelings, Arjun was certain about his feelings for his wife...He was aware of the reality that he is falling for her...
He also found chances to spend time with her ,to express his immense feelings for her ...

As usual, The practice arena adjacent to the palace gardens gleamed under the twilight of dawn...the thunder striking sounds reverberated the atmosphere, signifying that its the time of the second heir of King pandu to practice Archery...

Draupadi accompanied by dussala departed towards the garden to collect flowers for the morning veneration...while moving towards the garden, dussala suggested

"Jiji...I think we should depart towards different directions...the work will finish earlier and thus we can save time..."

"Well ,that seems a nice idea dear... ok..I'll proceed towards the east and you go west.."
Draupadi put forward her opinion and dussala acquiesced...

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