4 : That Melodious Voice

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One week passed by,
Nakul already reached Shurasena as per his mother's order...and now he is waiting for arjun to come...the soldiers already informed that arjun crossed the borders of Shurasena kingdom...Nakul was extremely delighted by the sudden trip because now he can freely enjoy as his mother and elder brother will not be here...

Nakul was roaming around the palace,arjun would be here at any time... a daasi came infront of him and bowed..
" All hail Rajkumar Nakul... maharaj srutavarma asked you be present at the gates of palace... Rajkumar Arjun has entered the palace premises..."

Nakul's face beamed with joy... finally, arjun is here..Nakul was always a bit attached to arjun than karn... because arjun isn't much strict like karn and his mother...he always supports for his prank ,but only to a certain extend...
Nakul hurriedly descended the steps of main hall and when he was about to put his foot on the last step,he saw a shadow suddenly rushing towards him...he looked up and in a fraction of second, his head collided with that shadow's head ,who was climbing the steps..

" Ouuch.." Nakul winced and he heard another wince too...but in a girly voice... nakul's eyes shot up and his eyes met with a pair of honey brown eyes...Nakul couldn't take off his eyes from those sweet honey like eyes and it was attracting him...
Nakul started to observe her... she's wearing minimum jewelleries with not so expensive robes...she looked simple but the girl is simply stunning....

" Sorry Rajkumar..." She said and smiled....
And that one smile just swept away Nakul wholly...a wide smile came on his lips..
" It's ok...I'm also sorry.." he too said and her eyes were downcasted and a slight blush adorned her cheeks...

" You?" He asked

" I'm.. Vrinda..." She said and Nakul muttered that name again,but with a smile ....
But when he was about to ask further, he heard drums beating and immediately ran out of the palace to welcome his brother..but not before saying "will meet you later" to her...
Vrinda watched him leaving and smiled to herself...


At the palace gates of Shurasena,
Flowers showered from the two sides of the way towards the royal palace... subjects of Shurasena gathered around the palace gateway to get a glimpse of beloved and most celebrated prince of Hastinapur...
Arjun passed a soft smile to all of them and slowed down his horse as he reached the palace gates of Shurasena...
He got down from the horse and walked towards the entrance where his uncle and aunt is waiting for him..
Srutavarma's face beamed with joy upon seeing his nephew ...arjun bend down and touched their feet... srutavarma immediately pulled him into a warm embrace...Mahati did aarti to him...

" Bhrata.." just then he heard a call from behind and he looked ahead to see his naughty little brother nakul Standing there...Nakul immediately reached near arjun and pulled him into a tight hug...

" Putra Nakul...first let him in...then you can talk freely.." Mahati said and arjun nodded ...Nakul guided him into the palace...


At evening,
The setting sun always had its own beauty....the slight orange red shades of sunrays fell on the earth and it reflected on the face of arjun and Nakul,who were roaming and talking in the garden...

" Why don't you just declare a war against Uttaranchal bhrata..." Nakul blurted out in anger when he heard about the insult from princess of Uttaranchal...

" And that's why we rejected them Nakul.." arjun placed his hands on nakul's shoulder, for making him a bit calm..

" That's a good thing...I don't want such an arrogant princess as my bhabhisree and princesses are like that...if I had a choice..then I would definitely marry a common girl.. atleast they know manners.."
Nakul said as if he's in dreams...arjun raised his brows doubtfully..

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