30 : Enthronisation

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His warm lips drank her succulent lips with passionate ardour... Draupadi reciprocated the kiss with the same longings and passion... At the next jiffy, Panchali felt her heels losing the touch of frigid floors...Arjun scooped her up inside his mighty arms without breaking the kiss and slowly paced , aiming the bed...

Draupadi felt her heart rapidly throbbing Inside as his spicy scent filled her nostrils...Arjun tenderly laid her on the fluffy mattress..both unfasten their lips from each other as their lungs burned for oxygen... He concealed his visage into the curve of her neck and started fondling the tender skin with his sharp nose , making draupadi curl her toes in ecstasy...his warm lips did fireworks over her slender skin on neck and draupadi's fist captured his strong locks in sensation...
Arjun pressed his lips on her forehead and smiled...The sensual hankering between them is excitingly escalating day by day...But Arjun never intended to uplift their relationship to it's another phase in such a haste...Rather than out of hankering sensuality, he wanted to conjoin physically with her out of sheer devotion and sanctity... further more, he wanted his beloved to be congenial regarding the subject... Arjun fondled her tresses and submerged his hazels into the bewitching orbs of his beloved ...but her brownish orbs seems immersed in some other world and this made Arjun's brows escalate in befuddlement ...

" Krishnaa...what happened...you look so lost... your heart is also palpitating rapidly than usual... I could feel it...may I know what is bothering you?"
Arjun enquired as he laid his over
her chest... draupadi took hold of his countenance in her palms and slowly nodded positively making Arjun anxious...

"Arya...The matter I'm going to present is grave.yet ,there is nothing to get anxious with...but still I want you to know it .."
Draupadi initiated with a preamble which only accelerated Arjun's solicitude...

"You are making my heart tempestuous krishnaa... please tell me"
Arjun appealed for an answer... they got up from their lying posture and sat on the bed.. Arjun placed his hands over her shoulder...

"Princess Dussala got to know about the truth that we are married...today she interrogated me about it as she saw us together outside her mansion yesternight.."
Draupadi divulged and Arjun's eyes dilated in aghast...he almost leaped from the bed but somehow draupadi made him sit back to complete further

"Hey lord Rudra !!! Dussala got to know about us...but how..?"
Arjun queried and draupadi divulged the events that happened yesternight..

"We should have been more careful... isn't it Krishnaa...?"
Arjun interrogated... draupadi could feel the tightness escalating inside him...she grasped his palms and endearingly tightened her grip on it to tranquilize him...

"Please don't stress yourself Arya... princess has assured me that she won't divulge anything until the accurate time comes...she has taken oath over you... "
Draupadi asserted to appease Arjun and her endeavour got successful , but only partially as a tiny part of Arjun's heart repudiated to assimilate it...

"But...dussala is still too naive to handle clandestines krishnaa...what if she blurt out it without prior notice...?"
Arjun raised his doubt, glancing anxiously at yagyaseni...For Arjun,his baby sister is still young and naive... apprehending his inner turmoil,the princess of Panchal smiled at her husband and tranquilized..

" Arya..I could comprehend your emotions..for you, may be the princess will still be a toddler..but exactly she's not...she is mature enough to keep coverts and I think she is sensible too...she is very well aware of the matters which is to be spoken and which is not...she is the princess of hastinapur Arya and she is fully developed and balanced in her personality and emotional behavior too..."
Draupadi enlightened him... Draupadi believed that the girl who had the capability to keep her relationship with the yadava prince furtively from the whole kuru dynasty will definitely conceal this too.. and this time , Arjun apprehended and grasped her words...
He nodded faintly and got up from the bed to leave, but yagyaseni wrapped her arms around his wrist... she could comprehend the stress hiking inside him...she got up from her sitting posture and embraced him, tranquilizing him...

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