6 : The Memorable Trip

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The following Next two days were so hectic for both arjun and Nakul....they helped their uncle for his country affairs as he had no heir for Shurasena... usually it's karn who helped him in handling affairs,but this time as karn got busy,the responsibility was transferred to Arjun's shoulders ....

After two days of hectic work, arjun finally got relaxed ...
The hours before sunrise is a sight to behold..the infinite sky adorned with the hue of crimson red sun...the freshness of dew , the chirping of birds and the fragrance of blooming flowers..
standing behind the window inside his chamber,Arjun slowly removed the curtains of window and breathed in the fresh air...he closed his eyes...
A chilling breeze at the early hours of sunrise passed by touching his face , tickling his skin....as arjun enjoyed the cool breeze ,he heard a yell from behind, breaking the calmness of the atmosphere...

" Bhratasree...you still hear!?" Arjun turned to see Nakul standing at his back,with a serious expression on his face..

" Yes ..what happened Nakul?" Arjun asked calmly, today he is not in a mood to argue with his little brother...

" Bhratasree how can you forgot? Today we've planned to roam around the kingdom and you are still here..." Nakul asked, almost getting irritated by Arjun's distasteful behaviour...

Arjun smirked...he knows why his little brother, his ever naughty nakul is so eager and excited to go outside and to roam around the kingdom...arjun slowly walked towards him and whirled his arms around nakul's neck...
" Dear brother, I know why you are so interested in roaming around the kingdom..your lady love is accompanying us.. isn't it?" Arjun asked which made Nakul go dumbfounded...he gulped down in nervousness...

" Who said you that I love Vrinda?" Nakul asked, his eyes roamed around the whole chamber, looking everything there, except arjun...

" Your eyes" savyasachi simply replied, nakul stood there with a bewildered expression lacing his face...

" Bhrata ..I..." Nakul was about to say something,arjun stopped him in the middle..

" Nakul...I know it happens...if you have faith in your love, if you are strong enough to carry on with this..then you'll surely succeed...I'll talk to mata in behalf of you...." Arjun assured him which brought an instant smile to nakul's pale face...

" Thankyou so much bhrata.." Nakul immediately pulled arjun into his warm embrace , overwhelming with emotions....

Just then ,they heard a knock on the door...Arjun permitted the person to come inside and a soldier came infront of him with a message...

" All hail Rajkumar Arjun, all the arrangements for your trip is ready. king has asked you to be present at the main hall.."
Arjun dismissed the soldier and sighed, looking at his brother who is standing beside him with pleading eyes...arjun smirked and moved ahead, towards the main hall...

As they reached there, he saw srutavarma along with Mahati and vrinda already standing there with an army of soldiers infront of them...

" No need of all these mamashree.. we'll handle ourselves" Arjun said to srutavarma,but he immediately denied..

" Those forests could be dangerous..I can't take risk..so.."
Srutavarma was about to continue the risk factors, Arjun cut him in between...

" I promise ... nothing will happen to us.." arjun promised him,which made srutavarma relieve a bit...

" And arjun, draupadi will also accompany you along with Vrinda...since ,vrinda is the only girl and being two of you are men, may be she'll feel awkward...so take draupadi too..take care of them and return before dusk..I'm entrusting that responsibility in your hands" Mahati said and arjun nodded....
Just then, Arjun's Hazels shifted it's gaze to the exquisite damsel standing beside vrinda...the one who possess such a besotting voice and heart ... Arjun's lips immediately widened broadly at her ....

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