31 : The conspiracy

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The beastial laughter of dhuryodhan reverberated inside the walls of his chamber..chitrasen, dushassan and vikarn gazed at dhuryodhan in befuddlement..Till yesterday,the eldest Kaurava was blazing in wrath and today he is laughing like an insane.. His dark black orbs which was burning in rage is now glistening in mirth ..
For a moment , Somewhere in the corner of their heart ,they felt like their elder brother had forfeited his Isanity..

" Jyesth bhrata..would you be willing to share the reason behind your boundless happiness?"
Dushassan finally interrogated out of inquisitiveness..dhuryodhan glanced at his brother and again guffawed making others corrugate their brows..

"Vikarn...you are the one who is renowned for the calm composure and wisdom among us..can you answer my question?"
Out of sudden, Dhuryodhan asked, pointing his index finger at vikarn and vikarn, like an obedient younger brother came forward and nodded positively..

"What might be the two root causes of biggest combats that ever happened in the history..?"
Dhuryodhan queried and vikarna escalated his brows..after a short silence, he calmly replied

" Most probably For authority over the land and wealth jyesth.."
Vikarn answered devoid of any doubts and dhuryodhan clicked his tongue in disagreement...

" You are partially correct my dear brother...but not entirely.."
Dhuryodhan responded and vikarn gazed at him in befuddlement... only almighty knew that what was going inside the head of this eldest Kaurava...

" Then Please do grace us with the knowledge bhrata"
Dushassan couldn't restrain his inquisitiveness and he questioned.. dhuryodhan turned towards him and retorted..

"Foremost cause  is ofcourse greed for authority and the another one is damsels..."
Dhuryodhan divulged, streching his lips to form a vicious smirk..his brothers glanced at each other with sheer perplexity.. A loud laugh escaped from dhuryodhan's mouth watching his brother's expressions..

"Damsels? But..what is the significance of discussing about that jyesth..The topic of war is no longer significant as that kaunteya karn has ascended on the throne.."
Chitrasen said with disgust.. dhuryodhan advanced towards him and  enwrapped his arms around the former's shoulder and divulged in a delightful voice..

" your assumptions is Soon going to be wrong Anuj.. hastinapur will also witness a great war and it's root cause will be a damsel.."
Dhuryodhan said and three pair of eyes fastened their gaze at dhuryodhan in aghast..

" What? We couldn't comprehend the context of your words jyesth.."
Vikarn interrogated and dhuryodhan cleared his throat..his calm voice and level headed composure was scaring his brothers..

" That means..the beloved first born of rajmata kunti will wage war against his own younger brother ,the mighty gandivdhari, for a damsel.."
Dhuryodhan articulated and vikarn  shook his head in disagreement..

" Impossible...karn would never do that...he is much devoted to his brothers.. besides, no damsel is yet born in this aryavart who could captivate the senses of hastinapur's emperor and commander in chief at the same time with her charm "
Vikarn retorted...he has scrutinizingly observed the pandavas and their unity in many circumstances.. hence, it was as precise as daylight to him that they are inseparable..

" It's possible vikarn...and the damsel is none other than draupadi,our courtesan...The emperor of aryavart, the beloved king of hastinapur, our dear cousin brother karn is hopelessly in love with our new courtesan unbeknownst to the fact that his brother, the great savyasachi Arjun has already bestowed  his heart to her.."
Dhuryodhan divulged and his loud laughter resonated inside the walls...he observed the expressions of his three brothers and obviously it was not more than something he expected..

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