15 : Commencing a New Journey

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The universal star showered it's long rays of orange hue over the earth , getting ready to sink in the horizons...
The atmosphere started to cool down and birds flitted away to reach its shelter before darkness overcast the cottony soft clouds....

The preparations for the evening veneration has already started at the palace temple of Hastinapur...
Draupadi for the fourth time, glanced at her own reflection on the mirror and sighed..she inhaled a deep breath and exhaled it,along with the anxiousness and nervousness which she was carrying from the past 1 hour....
But Suddenly, her attention was grabbed by her desolated partition ,which yearned for the vermillion that bearing Arjun's name...
Draupadi slowly opened the small box which vrinda gifted to her...her most precious possession,which contained Arjun's lifeline...she took a pinch of vermillion in between her fingers and stroked her fingers through her partition where Arjun had engraved his name...she immediately covered it with a kundan stone embedded maang tikka...

Draupadi slowly opened the two storied wooden door of her chamber when she heard a knock on it...she saw a maid Standing there, bowing her head...
"Devi draupadi.. Rajkumar Nakul asked you to come outside of this mahal..."

Draupadi's heart palpitated fastly and her legs felt inert to move on...She composed herself and got out of her chamber ...Her anklets jingled in a rythm, as she took small steps through the wide corridor which gleamed under the crimson shades of setting sun...her fingers still fidgeted at the hem of her veil , squeezing out her abashment explicitly...

" Bhabhisree come fast ..we have to come back before the evening veneration.." as soon as her figure came into his sight, Nakul reminded her..Draupadi just nodded in agreement as she was tongue tied by anxiousness...

After making several efforts to avert the soldier's attention, Nakul finally got succed in helping his brother and his wife for their maiden furtive meeting...

" Bhabhi don't come out until and unless I call you.." Nakul warned, leaving draupadi at the entrance of the private garden to which she reciprocated a positive nod...


Her pink tinted alluring lips gaped upon beholding the heavenly sight infront of her...
The lush green meadow spreading over the ground like a carpet paved way for her to enter inside...her eyes travelled around the whole garden where her eyesight got invited by the bushy, blossoming plants embellished with idyllic flowers of different hues and rich fragrance... enormous trees with fleshy, melliferous fruits hanging over some of them and euphonic chirping of birds in glee , sitting over the tree...
In total, that was indeed a sight to behold and a certain curly haired prince , looking ethereal in his white attire standing at the middle of the garden , fluttering his curly luscious locks in wind , manifolds it's beauty...

" Rajkumar" Arjun's eyes lit up when a besotting voice fell on his eardrums...

" Draupadi..." His lips automatically curled up, just after the moment when  his lips touched each other gently to mutter her beautiful name...He pivoted on his heels and looked back to see his most precious possession standing infront of him with all her glory...

Panchali slowly lowered her eyelids as soon as his musculine figure came closer to her fragile one, intertwining his gaze with her lotus eyes...The black brownish orbs of yagyaseni, which always ignited sparks of fire,for the first time adorned with the shades of shy...The hot scarlet fluid running inside her, rushed and located their position on her both cheeks unknowingly...
A cool Zephyr passed by in between them, chilling the atmosphere and touching their senses...

" Rajkumar Arjun.."  draupadi slowly muttered, lifting her eyelids up and interlocking her black browns with his hazels...

Arjun's heart skipped a beat for a second and reverted back to his senses at the next second and said
"Draupadi ...Are you ok ? I mean..I want to say something serious about our new life..." Yagyaseni's brows arched like a bow as she recognised his voice turning grave in manner...

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