27 : The Downpour of Euphoria

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yagyaseni's lotus eyes bloomed in mirth as his hot well sculptured chest tenderly touched her damp locks...
He handed over a soft cotton cloth to wipe herself... draupadi received it and shoved the damp locks that overspread on her flawless back onto her right shoulder...she slowly started to dessicate her hairs, glancing her reflection in the mirror...
She observed her husband standing behind her like a frozen statue, staring at her..But soon, Her breathe hitched and felt snowflakes falling inside the pit of her stomach as his fingers traced her arms and wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her more closer to his figure, from behind...
Draupadi gulped down the saliva and glanced at the reflection of his irresistibly handsome visage...his gaze was zeroed on her bare shoulders which adorned with the droplets of water...his erratic hot breathe teased and titillated her delicate yet frigid skin...she enclosed her eyes, feeling the bliss of being caged inside his robust arms...

Much to her surprise,on the spur of the moment, Arjun dipped his visage into the curve of her swan like neck, making her eyes roll up and toes curl up in ecstasy and bliss...The cloth in her hand touched the floor as her hands automatically enveloped his arms ...she felt her neck blazing with the touch of his lips and the umpteen soft kisses that he conferred...her clasp over his hands got firm as he slowly incepted to draw in the skin on her neck with his full plump lips... Involuntarily, her head slanted towards another direction, ascribing ample access to his lips onto her neck...he traced his lips from her neck till her shoulders...his firey kisses felt like blazing flames on her neck and it enkindled fire crackers inside her abdomen...his callous palms tenderly fondled her bare waist, transmitting waves of thrill inside her inner self...
Her tender delicious whining made Arjun zesting with passion and excitement...he passionately bestowed more and more firm kisses on her collar bone making yagyaseni submerge into the ocean of passion...
His palms fortuitously glided within her damp upper garment, making draupadi gasp...

A wild lightning gave a blow to the earth suddenly, making them move apart abruptly... draupadi downcast her eyes coyly and ruddiness dabbed on Arjun's cheeks...just then , her eyes roved around his chamber...it was a magnificent chamber with marvellous architectural designs yet a simple and elegant one...chaise lounges with gaudy cushions and tables with intricate designs on it just screamed royalty...

" This is our chamber...where we are going to live, going to give life to our dreams and to spend all the phases of our life together till eternity...tell me her royal highness , did you like it?"
She heard a soft rich voice whispering from behind her into her eardrums...she swivelled to behold her charming husband standing behind her with a slight smirk on his lips...she nodded positively to which made his lips to strech even more wide...

"But not only this...a lot more things are awaiting here to get graced with your vision..."
He said and entwined his fingers with her , leading her towards the balcony of his chamber...the spacious balcony with a small yet elegant wooden swing dangling at the middle of it...the swing grabbed yagyaseni's whole attention and like a toddler,she enthusiastically sat on the swing, leaving a little space for Arjun...he sat there , glancing at his enchantress who was glancing at the chilling downpour, leisurely dangling on the swing...

He could still feel the tenderness of her skin beneath his palms...he could still relish the juiciness of his dainty lips...he slowly gyrated his hands around her shoulder and pulled her closer...and to his surprise,she placed her head over his shoulders... Arjun smiled as an ineffable ecstasy enwrapped his heart...

"So, this is one of my favourite place in this palace and the only place which provides me tranquility...after our official wedding, this swing will witness our sweet talks at nights and us weaving our dreams together..."
He said in his soothing voice and draupadi uplifted her eyelids to take a momentary glance of her man...at that very moment, draupadi,the princess of Panchal perceived that beside bowmanship, today her husband established his excellency in romance too...
He was hopelessly Romantic...

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