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marshall pov

"paul, you got anything going on this weekend?" I asked, swiveling my chair toward his direction. he shrugged, barely looking away from his phone as he mumbled out a low mhm.

"not that I can think of, why what's going on?" he asked. "I have lions tickets for the game on sunday in dallas, if you wanna go?"

he furrowed his eyebrows together, "denaun or ryan don't wanna go?"

I shook my head, "nah, they both got some family stuff going on this weekend. but if you don't wanna go I- I'm sure I can figure something out" I said turning back around.

paul let out a loud dramatic sigh before swiveling my chair back around. "you're annoying as fuck, but if you want me to go then I'll go" he said as I let out a chuckle.

"but hey, since you're leaving the house for once maybe you'll meet someone" he said as he playfully nudged me. I rolled my eyes, "you're such a dick" I said under my breath.

"awh, why so negative marshie?" he asked as he grabbed at my shoulders. I sighed not amused by the banter. "I'll catch you later, man" I said before walking out of the studio.

a few days later - november 17, 2019

"yo, paul" I said, catching his attention. "you want anything from the concession stands?" I asked as his face scrunched in confusion.

"you're gonna go, by yourself?" he asked. I nodded as a silence lingered between us, "you sure, you don't want me to go with you?" he asked, reiterating the question.

I shook my head, "I got it" I said as he put his hands up in defense, before I walked out of the private suite and toward the crowd.

I started to wander, hands in my pockets, deciding on what I wanted to eat before stepping into the shortest line around. I quickly ordered my food and grabbed it heading back to the suite, before anyone could recognize me.

"I see you grabbed yourself a turkey leg, you know, I heard that they're the best in the state" a female said, with a strong southern accent. I let out a low chuckle, turning around to see the most beautiful girl I think I'd ever seen.

"oh, mr.mathers" she said surprised.

"it's a pleasure runnin' into you, I'm avery jones, jr evp for the dallas cowboys and the granddaughter of the jones family" she stated, so happily.
I was in absolute awe, of her.

"you must be the exclusive guest, in our private suite this afternoon" she said, waiting for me to respond. I cleared my throat, "p- please call me marshall" I stated, trying desperately to not seem nervous.
.Jesus, have I been single for that long that I can't flirt without making myself look ridiculous?

"it looks like you got your hands full, would you like any help?" she asked, so sweetly. I adamantly shook my head, "I- I got it, thank you though" I said as she chewed at her lip to hide a perfected smile, that made my knees weaken.
God, she was perfection.

her and I made eye contact, "I assume you're here to support the lions?" she asked, walking along side me back to the suite. I shrugged, "I like both teams, they are easily my top teams to root for but I gotta support detroit, you know?"

an awkward silence followed, "h- have you ever been to michigan?" I asked. she pursed her lips playfully as she shook her head, "not that I can recall?" she said as she shrugged.

"I would have never guessed with that accent" I said as she turned toward me with a shocked expression propping her hands on her succulent hips, "excuse me but what accent are you referring to?" she asked, her drawl becoming thicker.

I chewed at my lip trying to hide my laugh as best as I could, as we walked into the suite. paul and I quickly made eye contact, as I cleared my throat.

with just one look, him and I could have a whole conversation without a single word said. "avery this is paul, my manager and long time friend. paul, avery" I said as I introduced them.

"hello" he said, curiously. "pleased to meet you, paul" she said as another smile curved her lips.

he shook his head, "the pleasure is mine, sweetie" he replied. "so paul, avery is the granddaughter of the jones'" I deadpan, trying to interject myself back into the conversation.

paul paused, "as in, the jones' who own the dallas cowboys?"

she nodded, "mhm, pretty much the family business" she said, emphasizing the. paul anxiously mashed his lips together, "if I may, how old are you avery?" he asked, insistent on knowing.

I was embarrassed, attempting to hide my face in my hands wanting to shrivel up and die. avery laughed it off as her cheeks flushed, "it's okay, I get asked more than you know"

"I'm twenty four" she stated. a small silence followed as she anxiously made eye contact with the ground. "I actually have to get goin, but if y'all need anything please don't hesitate to ask. it was great meeting you guys" she said, giving us a heavy hearted smile before walking out.

paul anxiously grabbed at the back of his neck, letting out a deep sigh. "okay, you wanna talk about it now or later, dude?"

my face scrunched in confusion, "man, what are you talking about?" I asked, nonchalantly. "avery seems like a sweet girl, with a good head on her shoulders but-"

I interrupted him, "but, what?" I asked defensive. he pressed his tongue to his cheek, "she's just, so young marsh" he stated as I made eye contact with the ground, as the bill of my hate covered my eyes.

I was trying my best to not hear the lecture I was getting. "I mean, come on man she's half your age. that just sounds like a pr disaster to me"



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