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avery pov
the next weekend - november 24, 2019

"hey sweet pea, you ready for the game?" dad asked, opening my office door. I tried my best to divert my focus from the conversation, continuing to touch up my curls.

I let out a breath, "almost, why?" I asked. he leaned against the doorway, awkwardly shoving his hands into his pockets as silence lingered between us.

dad cleared his throat, "issac's waiting for ya, and there's a whole lot of press on the field"

bothered by this whole thing, I rolled my eyes. "ace, baby you are the one that everyone wants to see" he said, trying to reassure me. I sighed, "I can almost guarantee, that this stadium isn't full because of me"

"but, honey" he said before I interrupted him. "I got it dad, you don't need to say anything else" I said as I grabbed my shoes, pushing past him.

I angrily walked along the catwalk, shoes in hand as I watched everyone pour into the stadium. "av, avery!" I heard my name off in the distance.

I turned, letting out a small smile as lucas stopped the golf cart along side me. "jesus honey, I can't leave you alone for two seconds. where ya shoes at?" he asked playfully.

I sighed, "I don't really wanna talk about it" I stated. he let out an exaggerated sigh, patting the empty seat of the golf cart. "come on girl, get on. where as I taking you?" he asked.

I happily hopped onto the golf cart before getting comfortable. "you're god sent, will you take me over to the field?"

lucas let out a belly laugh, "I don't know about all that honey. but, I was on my way to pick up some exclusive guest that's here for the game and I saw a pretty girl. I had to see what she was up to"

my face flushed, "luke" I said.
"avery" he contradicted.

"so, you're tellin' me that you picked me up, instead of a high profile guest?" I asked. he nodded, letting out a low chuckle. "don't tell my boss, cause she'll freakin' kill me" he said before shooting me a wink.

"You hush" I said, shaking my head.

"avery, you're you" he sighed, as his grip tightened on the steering wheel. "honey" he said, his accent as thick as mine.
there was an awkward silence, "you just make me wanna be a better man, i'd do just about anything for you"

"and, you had no shoes on. what kinda person would I be if I let you walk around with no shoes on?" he said softly, as he grabbed my leg playfully giving it a squeeze.

he cleared his throat, "you headed to the field to see Issac?" he asked. I involuntary nod.

"hey, you have any idea who the guest is?" I asked, desperate to change to the subject. lucas shook his head, "I'll find out when you get your pretty little ass off my golf cart"

I rolled my eyes, again before he quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. "baby, can I please have some sugar before you go and love on another man?"
"lucas" I said, hesitantly.

"just a peck, baby" he said, before kissing me. he tried his best to hide a head over heels smile, "I'll see you later, okay darlin'..?"

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