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marshall pov

"dude, this picture is everywhere you look" paul said on the other end of the call. I sighed giving him clear indication I was annoyed, wanting nothing to do with the lecture he was about to give me.

"but respectfully marsh, she's a dime" dre said, interjecting himself back into the conversation. I chewed at my lip, trying to hide my chuckle, "I know, but she's so much more than her looks dude"

dre let out a small mhm, "I'm sure she is" he said, as paul let out a belly laugh. "you're such a sick fuck, now I know you're the reason why we can't have anything nice" paul said, trying to control his laughter as dre denied the statement.

"nah, marshall's the reason. not me" he said, causing them to laugh even harder. I shook my head barely tolerating what was going on, "yo, are you two done?" I asked, as their laughing died down.

I cleared my throat, "you guys catching that flight for the next home game?" I asked. "I wouldn't miss it. I'm bringing everyone with us" dre said, causing paul to aw loudly. "what did that poor girl, ever do to you dude?"

"what? If she can tolerate marshall, she can tolerate all of us" he stated. I rolled my eyes, but he was right. "I- I'm headed out, I'll be back in michigan tomorrow" I said, as my phone vibrated.

[New Text Message: Avery Jones]
[12 Cowboys Way, Frisco. Apartment 2C. It is gated but I added your name to the list, see you soon]

I stopped at the apartment gate, rolling my window down. "hello, who are you here to se- holy shit, you're eminem" the security guy said as he quickly grabbed his phone. "Is it okay, if I get a picture real quick?"

I gave in, leaning out the window and throwing up the middle finger. "thanks, man. I- I'm a huge fan" he said eagerly. I nodded, "y- yeah, of course. I- I'm here to see avery jones, apartment 2C" I said as he looked at his iPad before opening the gate.

"okay, you can head on in. the apartment building will be to your right" he said as I put the car in drive, heading inside.

"2C, 2-C" I said to myself, stepping off the elevator taking in my surroundings as I walked down the hallway, finding her apartment. I knocked on the door, before anxiously shoving my hands in my pockets, as I took a deep breath.

A few seconds had passed before her door swung open, "hey" she said as a smile curved her lips. "hey.." I said softly, before pulling her into a hug. I took in her scent, vanilla lingering on every part of her.

"You look absolutely beautiful" I said as my eyes followed her to the kitchen, as I closed the door behind me. she let out a small laugh, "I'm basically in pajamas" she said playfully, but I couldn't take my eyes off her, or the pajamas the hugged every curve.

"I- I don't really have much here, but can I get you something to drink?" she asked, standing with the refrigerator open. I let out a low chuckle, "water is fine, honey" I said as she grabbed a bottle off the shelf.

"this is a nice place, you got here" I said, casually looking around. avery shrugged as she let out a heart rendering smile, "yeah it's okay, it's enough for one right now" she said. I chewed at my lip before taking her hand in mine, pulling her into me, "what'd ya in the mood to eat tonight, baby?"

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