07 [part two]

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avery pov
december 10, 2019

I groaned at the insistent vibrations from my phone, somewhere in the sheets. "mhm" I whined out before putting a pillow over my head. I laid there allowing the silence to linger, and dreading the day.

I sat up against the headboard, running my hands over my face. "I need coffee, and a fucking Xanax" I groaned, making my way into the kitchen. more silence loomed in the apartment as I zoned out, waiting for my coffee to brew. I stood, my back against the counter fixated on the bottle of wine that was opened last night before the doorbell diverted my attention.

I sighed, walking to the front door, opening it to see my doorman. "happy birthday, sweetheart" rick said happily. "I'm sorry for the early wake up call, ms.jones but I have a delivery here that I think you'll like"

my face scrunched in confusion as rick handed me an elongated box. "the gift is courtesy of a, mr.mathers" he said before walking away. I hurriedly shut the door behind me, setting the box on the counter and opening the top to reveal beautifully arranged flowers, and a card on top. 


[New Text Message: Samantha Koch][those are gorgeous, honey][marshall?]

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[New Text Message: Samantha Koch]
[those are gorgeous, honey]


[New Text Message: Samantha Koch]
[and happiest of birthdays love, I will see you later]

I stood in the kitchen happily admiring my flowers, taking my time and sipping my coffee in the silence of the apartment before my phone started to ring. "hello?" I said answering the call.

"happy birthday, my littlest love" mom said, her southern drawl as smooth as butter. I let out sigh of relief, now soothed by the sound of her voice, "thank you, mama" I said softly. "do you think you have some free time today, so daddy and I can take you to lunch?"

"I don't see, why not" I answered. "oh perfect, okay then we will see you at headquarters in a little bit" she said, as I could hear the excitement in her voice.

I sighed, as I plopped myself onto the couch. "good, lord" I said to myself, barely getting the mug to my lips before my phone started to ring again. butterflies quickly erupted, seeing his name on the screen. 

"I was just thinking about you" I said hushed, answering the call. he let out a low chuckle on the other end, "oh, yeah?" he asked as I chewed at my lip and let out a mumbled mhm, my voice still raspy from sleep.

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