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marshall pov

I paced the halls of the intensive care unit, anxiously waiting. but knowing there was no clear answer in the foreseeable future made me more unsettled. It made me want to scream at the top of my lungs. 

I leaned on the doorway of avery's room, facing her, watching her as machines slowly beeped, before my phone started to vibrate. I let out a deep sigh, shutting my eyes tightly. all I wanted was to be left alone, but I knew better than that.
I knew avery would never want me to act like this. but, before I could open the text thread, tears blurred my vision again. 

[New Text Message: Lane, Hailie] (2)
[hey.. how is avery?]

[any updates?]

[Nothing yet]

[ 🥺😰]

"hey, marsh. you want to go back to avery's apartment and get some rest?" she asked, as I quickly denied the offer. "I- I'm not leaving her" I said stubbornly, before shoving my hands
into my pockets. 

"you're not leaving her alone, I'm here" she said softly. "marshall you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of someone else" she said as I nodded in agreement, before holding back more tears. 

"I- I'm gonna go for a walk, and get some air" I said before wandering down the hallway. I sighed before pulling my phone out of my pocket, contemplating on calling nathan. I pulled the trigger pressing the call button, letting it ring. 

"hello?" he said, his voice raspy from sleep. "I- I didn't mean to wake you dude, I'm sorry" I said softly. Nathan let out a small sigh, "I know you wouldn't be calling me this late if everything was okay, what's going on man?"

a silence lingered, "depends who you're asking" I said softly. "marsh, what's going on man. you seem really off. the girls told me you were seeing someone new, is it that? y'all ain't seeing each other anymore or something?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing my girls couldn't keep anything to themselves. "avery was on her way to catch a flight to michigan, and was in a really bad car accident" 

"oh, shit. marshall if you need me, don't hesitate, I'll be on the next flight out" he said before I heard fumbling and talking in the background between him and ashley. "nate, be honest with me, what would you do without ash?"

"I- I don't know, I can't even comprehend the thought" he said. "that's exactly how I feel dude, I feel like I'm spiraling. I- I feel like I'm in a bad fucking dream and I can't wake myself up. without her, I- I don't know how to feel"


the tv illuminated in the dark room, as my eyes were glued to the morning news. pictures of my sweet girl and the accident popped up on the screen. I winced, seeing them. I shut my eyes tight before resting my head in my hands saying a small prayer. 

In the quiet room my phone started to vibrate, but I didn't care. I let out an annoyed sigh, before sending the call straight to voicemail. but whoever it was continued to call, "hello?" I said softly, answering the call. 

"how you gonna let us find out above avery, from the news?" paul asked. I let out a sigh, "us?" I questioned. "mhm, were all here" denaun said, realizing I was on some multi line call. I pressed my tongue to my cheek, frustrated, "I'd ask how you found out, but I know every news channel is running the story" 

"her, and her family are household names just like yourself" paul said, as I turned off the tv and threw the remote. "what happened, marsh?" dre asked, interjecting himself into the discussion, trying to get a word in over everyone. 
"I- I" I stumbled over my words. "who do I have to kill?" curt asked. 

I sighed, "some stupid fuck ran a red light and rammed into the driver's side of the car. she lost control and her car ended up rolling a few times. she was pinned under something and was all tangled in the seat belt"

"oh, fuck" I heard Denaun say. "they had to pry the door open, cut her out of the seat belt. all the fucking works" I said, in between sniffles. paul sighed, "that poor girl was probably scared out of her mind" 

"I- I can't wrap my head around it, I mean, I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I know she's okay" I said. confused silence lingered between us, "marshall, stop talking crazy dude. I- I mean none of this was in your control" dre said. 
"she was on her way to michigan" I blurted out.

"but anything can happen" paul argued back. "alright, alright enough. how's she doing now?" dre asked softly. 
"she's cut up from all the glass and she has a shit ton of bruising. she's also on some heavy ass pain medications, but at this point we're just waiting for her to wake up"

"It's fucking agonizing to watch" I said softly. "I- I know, but you have to stay strong for her" dre stated.


before I realized, my body had given in to sleep. but I was woken up by avery's nurse tapping me on the should, "mr.mathers" she said as I jumped up startled. I cleared my throat, and gathered my surroundings. 

"Is she awake?" I asked, seeing it was now daylight. the nurse shook her head, "I- I'm sorry sir, she isn't. but y'all do have a few visitors waiting for ya" she said as she went about, checking avery's vitals. 

I sighed, before digging my hands in my pockets and walking out of her room, "h- hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, seeing denaun and nathan sitting in the waiting area. "you think we'd actually let you go through this alone?" nathan questioned as he crossed his arms. 

"we?" I asked, confused. denaun nodded, "no hesitation, we all hopped a flight early this morning" he said as curt and dre turned the corner with paul not to far behind, all of them carrying handfuls of flowers. 

I shook my head in complete gratitude, "I- I can't tell you how much it means to me, and avery that you guys are here" I said trying to hold it together. "marsh this is a serious situation, and both of you have very close inner circles. I'm sure its validating to know that you don't have to do this alone" dre said. 

"It's also important to know, that if needed, anyone in this room is ready to throw hands for that girl with no hesitation. everything will turn out okay, but we're not going anywhere. we love you dude" Curt said as he nudged me. I let out a small smile, "thank you" I said as my voice cracked. 

"time just, feels so slow here. I swear, every time I look at the clock its like no time has pas-" I said before I heard samantha yell my name as nurses and doctor's flooded avery's room.

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