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marshall pov
the next day

"god, I'm so fucking nervous I could throw up" I said, pacing the hotel room with my phone on speaker.

paul let out a low chuckle, "I'm sure you are, cause for some reason avery likes you, for you. she could care less about your status or money"

"I know it's a dumb cliche, but be yourself marsh" dre said, also on the other end of the call. paul interjected himself back into the conversation, "that might just scare her off" he said as I was distracted by my phone

[New Text Message: Avery Jones]
[Reservations are made for eight o'clock tonight. I made sure to get a private booth toward the back, see you soon]

[Perfect, see you there]

"you going to pick her up?" dre asked. "nah, we're meeting at the restaurant" I stated, as I rummaged through the clothes I brought with me.

"dude, what?" dre said.
"a girl like that needs to be picked up, and wined and dined. that's how you get a second date" paul said, insisting.

"well, that's partially how you get a second date. hey, maybe you'll get a little action tonight"
"paul" I said sternly.
"no, avery's not that type of girl" I bluntly stated.

"maybe, maybe not" paul said trying to tease the situation. I cleared my throat, "I- I got to get going. I don't wanna be late" I said glancing at the clock before hanging up.

"alright, tupelo honey" I said to myself as I pulled into the parking lot, and cutting the engine before heading inside. "hey, uh, reservation for jones" I said. the hostess nodded, "would you like to be seated before ms.jones gets here?"

I nodded as the hostess grabbed a few menus, before walking me to the back of the restaurant. "thank you"
I said, sliding into the booth.

I let out a small sigh, checking my watch as I awaited her arrival. I quickly pulled up the text threat between paul and I, doing everything I could to focus on
something else.

[I don't think she's coming]

[Paul Rosenberg]
[dude chill out, it's only been a few minutes]

"I'm so, so sorry marshall" I heard her voice, as my concentration broke away from my phone. a small smile curved my lips, allowing myself to feel some relief, knowing she was here.
I stood up, my eyes fixating on everything about her.

"hey, beautiful" I said as I pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry for running late, I was in a meeting" she said as she tucked some loose hair behind her ear.

"hey, no need to worry about it. you're here no" o said as she held onto my hand, as she sat down. I let out a nervous laugh, "I- I thought you weren't coming" I said, shooting her a playful wink.

"Oh, hush" she said, as I sat down.

I let out a small half smile, "you ready for some dinner, sweetie?" I asked. avery nodded, continuing to look over the menu.
I went silent, taking in every feature of hers, "did you get a chance to eat at all today?"

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