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avery pov
about a month later - april, 2020

marshall sighed, I'm sorry, I- I don't really want to postpone your trip but we may have to baby. I mean shit's just outta hand right now" he said cautiously. he was watching me intently, seeing how distressed I was becoming. knowing he was less than thrilled about it either. 

"I just, wanna keep you safe avery" he said. I nodded, "I understand that, marshall" I said as my voice cracked. my heart continuing to break, the longer the phone call went on. I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "I have to get going, marsh" I said barely above a whisper. 

"baby, please don't end the phone call like this" he begged. I refused to make eye contact as tears welled up in my eyes, "what do you want me to say, I know none of this is in your control but we haven't seen each other in over a month"

he nodded, "please don't cry. I- I will take care of it" he said as I wiped the wetness from my cheeks. I tried my best to collect myself, "I love you, marshall" I said in between sniffles. "you more, sweet girl" he said before I ended the call. 


the next day - april 20, 2020

"well, we're mandated to close. only essential companies are staying open" samantha said as I let out a sigh. "what's gonna happen to the store?" I asked, obviously knowing neither of us had an answer. 

samantha continued to tap her pen on the desk, "everything should be okay, I mean the website is up and running so we can continue to process orders as they come in" she said, trying her best to reassure me. I nodded, "as long as we have a plan but lets keep an eye on what's goin' on" I stated as my phone started to ring. 

"hello?" I said, answering the call. 
"hey, honey" marshall said on the other end of the call. "it's so good to hear your voice, right now" I said softly, as I walked toward the back office. 

"yeah, is everything okay? what's going on?" marshall asked, his tone getting more serious. I let out a deep sigh, "it's nothing you can fix, but more and more business are being mandated to shut down"

"if a company is not essential, there doors are to be locked or they will be fined. and last time I checked we're not essential so our doors are locked going forward" I said. "I'm sorry, baby" he said softly. 

"but, I  have some news that I think you're gonna wanna hear" marshall stated. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows, "okay, what's up?" I asked, hesitant. "I arranged a flight to michigan for you, so go ahead and get those bags packed, baby" he said softly.

"really?" I asked, letting out a sigh of relief. "yes, I choose the soonest available, so your flight leaves around noon tomorrow" he said.

"oh, thank god. I- I can't tell you thank you enough, marsh" I said. "there's no need to thank me baby. I just want you to be somewhere, where you're content and safe. and if that's here with me I can't really complain"

"I love you, marsh" I said barely above a whisper.
"you more. I- I have to get back to this meeting but I'll call you later, okay?" he said, as I let out a mumbled yeah before he ended the call. I let out a deep sigh, relieved, as I walked toward the front of the store.

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