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marshall pov 

"I just bought an engagement ring.." I said stopping in my tracks, outside of the jewelry store. dre let out a chuckle a chuckle and nodded, "yeah.." he said. still in my own little world, I stared at the open ring box in my hand. 

"I just bought a fucking engagement ring.." I said, causing dre to laugh harder. "how many times you wanna tell yourself?" he asked as I slid into the passenger side seat. I shrugged, "I don't know, until it feels real" 

"its not going to feel real until that ring, is on avery's finger" he stated. "while were in the area, did you wanna look at the new studio space?" dre asked. I nodded, "I mean I should, if texas is going to be one of my main locations"


dre and I stood in the studio space talking out the pros and cons of this location as my phone wouldn't quit ringing. "dude, let me answer this really quick, its my daughters" I said as he nodded, before I stepped out to take the call.

"hey dad!" alaina said, happily. "hey sweetie, how's it going?" I asked as she nodded. "good, we were just calling to check in on avery. see how's she's doing" she said as I quickly furrowed my eyebrows.
"we?" I asked. "hailie and stevie are here, too" she said, before they were in the frame of the facetime call. "hey dad!" they both said in the background of the call.

"we miss you, dad!"  they basically said in unison. god, these girls know how to tug on my heart strings. "I miss you guys, too" I said softly.

"where's avery, and where are you?" hailie said as she furrowed her eyebrows, getting closer to the screen to inspect my background. I pressed my tongue to my cheek, "avery is at home sleeping, and I came with dre to see a few studio locations for when I'm down here"

hailie pursed her lips, "something still seems off" she stated. "I did something totally out of character for me, maybe even a little rash. I- I was gonna call you guys tonight to talk about it but I couldn't wait"

"avery's pregnant!" alaina shouted out. I shook my head, "I bought an engagement ring" I said before there was a calm before the storm. "you bought her an engagement ring?" they shouted back at me. 

I nodded, "you know I love avery, but there's alot more to the story than that. I- I just don't have the tim-" I said before hailie interrupted me. "dad, tell us!!" she stated. 

I sighed, "the first thing avery said to me when she woke up was that, she met doody" I said bracing for what they were gonna say.
"ohmygod" hailie said as her jaw dropped.
"shut up!!" alaina said, as the couldn't believe what I was telling them. 

"she told me that everything went white, and then he was sitting there. he told her that it wasn't her time to go. and that she couldn't take my happiness away"I said, doing my best to hold back tears.

"I went to get the ring because I think it was a sign from proof. it was a sign for me to take a chance and be happy" I said softly. "okay, I have goosebumps" alaina said as she rubbed her arms. 


avery pov

I sighed, sitting in bed as I flipped mindlessly through all the tv channels. "hey sam.. what are we gonna do about all the upcoming launches?" I asked, as she looked up from her computer. 

"I think I have some pre taken pictures of you already, for the summer collection" she said as she grabbed her phone. I shook my head and pushed her phone out of her hand, "I have an idea, why don't we post some pictures of you?" I asked, as I let out a sly smile.

"cause if you don't recall, you're the person that everyone wants to see" she said as I rolled my eyes. "but you're so much prettier than me, and fifty percent of this business" 
"they need to see your face too" I said as I grabbed her face and squished it.

she let out a chuckle, "its also the name that matched the face, hello, do you know who your family is?" she asked as I rolled my eyes. "unfortunately, I do" I said unphased. 

"I know you never think twice about it, but to other people, your family is the biggest name in football" she said as I shrugged. "do you know who your boyfriend is?" she asked as I let out a devilish smile, before flipping her the middle finger.

we both let out belly laughs, before there was a knock at the door. samantha quickly furrowed her eyebrows, "you expecting someone?" she asked. I shook my head, "no, and marshall has a key" I said as she walked out of the bedroom to open the door.

within seconds I heard familiar voices. I slowly tried getting out of bed, letting a few whimpers go as I walked into the living room to see me brothers. "noah, will, what are you guys doing here?" 

they both leaned forward, helping me to the couch. "we can't come check on our baby sister?" noah asked as he sat next to me on the couch. "how you feelin' ace?" will asked as I rolled my eyes at the stupid family nickname. 

"as good as I can feel" I stated before I heard the jingle of keys, and the door opening. "av- I'm home" marshall said as he stopped in his tracks. noah leaned into me, "do you know eminem is in your apartment right now?" he asked, trying to whisper. 

samantha couldn't help but let out a belly laugh. "w- what's going on?" marshall asked as he set his stuff down. I rolled my eyes at my brothers stupidity, "nothing baby" I said as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"marshall these are my brothers, noah and will" I said as I introduced them. marshall let out a small shy smile as he reached out to shake hands with them. "so, all this is true?" will asked, as he played the protective big brother card.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused by his question. "this whole eminem thing, that gpaw and uncle jerry keep talking about" he said as I punched him. "ow.. what was that for?" he asked as I rolled my eyes. 

"it's marshall, and they only keep bringing it up because their pissed that their plan fell through" I said as the annoyance took over. "what plan?" will asked, cautiously. I chewed at my lip before grabbing the bottle of pain medication. I could see marshall was watching me intently, knowing he was anxious about the medications in the first place. 

"they had this whole publicity stunt planned out, for ace to date one of the newer players they just drafted" noah said as will nodded. "so y'all are really together?" will asked as marshall and I made eye contact. 

"I would hope so, he's the man I've been fucking for the last couple months" I said as marshall let out a belly laugh from the kitchen. "c'mon ace, I- I don't wanna hear that" will said as he buried his head in his hands, grossed out about my comment. 

I shrugged, "stupid questions deserve smart ass remarks" I deadpan. "why does your family call you ace?" marshall asked curiously. "the family's called her that  since she could walk and talk, because everything she does is perfect" noah said as I rolled my eyes.
"its annoying" I say nonchalantly.

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